
2008-10-27 8:51 am

1) our economy is every bit as fragile as the environment

特別是 every bit 是何意思?

2) you're good at rubbing people the wrong way

特別是 rubbing 是何意思?


回答 (7)

2008-10-28 11:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) our economy is every bit as fragile as the environment

Here “every bit” means to a certain extent (在某種程度上)

So the sentence means : Our economy is as fragile as the environment to a certain extent.

2) you're good at rubbing people the wrong way

rubbing (the wrong way) = 惹怒, which is a phrasal verb

So the sentence means : You’re good at making people angry = You can really make people angry easily. (This is actually a criticizing saying.)
參考: Myself
2008-11-10 2:25 am
我較有興趣知Ken的grammar解釋有無錯,想學多d英文. Thank you.
2008-11-08 11:34 am
every bit as good, bad, etc. as something = just as good, bad, etc., equally good, bad, etc.
every bit as fragile as the environment = just as fragile as the environment

2008-11-08 03:39:23 補充:
rub somebody the wrong way :
make somebody annoyed or angry, often without intending to, by doing or saying something that offends them

2008-11-08 18:33:49 補充:
Why are you defending your choice of answer in a forum where everybody is entitled to his/her opinion? I don't regard it appropriate to comment on individual answers when the voting is still open. You are entitled to different opinion, of course.
2008-11-06 9:33 pm
rubbing someone the wrong way is an idiom. 003's answer is correct. Please check:


rub someone the wrong way


e.g. He was known as a moody and selfish player who rubbed teammates the wrong way.

2008-11-06 13:36:10 補充:
001's explanation is "logical" BUT we have to be careful that idioms and phrasal verbs often "appear" illogical. Even a different preposition can make a difference!

2008-11-08 09:33:10 補充:
001's ans. to the second part is: "你幫人時,常常幫倒忙,弄巧反拙".

the part about "intention" is correct (didn't mean to annoy others),

BUT "幫倒忙,弄巧反拙" tells ppl. the BAD RESULTS, which can be MORE THAN making someone angry or annoyed.

2008-11-08 09:46:23 補充:
So it seems that in the film (as the asker tells us) a character often says or does something that annoys others (though he/she never means to make others angry)...

2008-11-08 09:46:27 補充:
Then another character says this to "tease" OR "despise" the former (depending on the tone and facial expression of the speaker).

2008-11-08 10:02:38 補充:
"every bit" SEEMS to be "every piece" as 001 interpreted (每一小部份)

but to understand that sentence we have to look up "every bit as" (3 words together) instead of "every bit" only, so the meaning is...

2008-11-08 10:03:37 補充:
Our economy is "equally as" fragile as the environment

every bit as ~ equally as

2008-11-08 10:08:05 補充:
every bit as ~ exactly as

2008-11-08 10:21:30 補充:
So when both answers have some flaws, 003's presentation clearly gives voters a better impression.... If only "每一小部份" was not mentioned.

2008-11-09 14:34:26 補充:

right, everybody is entitled to his/her opinion, so i believe it's acceptable for everyone to tell others why a choice has been made, UNLESS criticizing other opponents with words like "a bit irresponsible".

2008-11-09 14:34:59 補充:
btw, i'm glad to see the inappropriate comment has been removed.
2008-10-30 6:26 am
1) every bit 每一小部份

our economy is every bit as fragile as the environment-我們的經濟,每一小部份都像環境一樣脆弱。


you are good at不解你是好的...,解作你善於..
you're good at rubbing people the wrong way
表面的意思就是: 你善於相反方向替人按摩
暗喻: 你幫人時,常常幫倒忙,弄巧反拙
參考: my mother
2008-10-27 2:33 pm
Look, i am not here to answer the question as i think the guy above is right but did you got these lines from 'the day after tomorrow'?
參考: just a question
2008-10-27 11:16 am

1) every bit 每一小部份

our economy is every bit as fragile as the environment-我們的经濟,每一小部份都像環境一樣脆弱。


you are good at不解你是好的...,解作你善於..
you're good at rubbing people the wrong way
表面的意思就是: 你善於相反方向替人按摩
暗喻: 你幫人時,常常幫倒忙,弄巧反拙
參考: own

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