New question posted by Baggio4182007

2008-10-24 11:21 am
I guess no one is more appropriate than me to discuss this issue again as I undoubtedly became a target overnight on October 17..
First of all for those friends who gave me kind opinion for not downgrading myself in citing the “dog” metaphor, I respect all of you so I officially withdraw my comment made on 2008-10-19 at 18:15:51.
My withdrawal of this comment is not based on my feeling that this was a wrong comment, but on my respect to all who cared for me, in all ways. I hope you friends can understand my 苦心 while I am still painful and shocked with all those unexpected personal attacks.
Now I am raising this question again here for everyone in the forum to tell me whether they see me as a victim of provocation or a trouble maker.
Here “everyone” includes those who claimed to have no mood nor no time to waste on such discussion or those who claimed himself as just 獨來獨往,行文自娛 !!!
I guess no one will under-estimate the pain I have gone through in these days, especially when I put my one and only one comment in the whole issue and aroused criticisms from people I respect.
I am not Jesus, I cannot being slapped on one side of my face and turn my other side to be slapped again. It sounds to everyone that it was very strange for me to be provoked, or even hurt too much that I needed to express my feeling.
For the one who claims公道自在人心: This question I am posting is to challenge myself, and also you. We have to let other people to judge who is right and who is wrong ethically, which I observe is the best game you are able to play around.

回答 (7)

2008-10-26 9:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
應該 不是是非及成販的問題, 是無端端受人中傷的問 題。和和氣氣都未必 可行。

2008-10-24 19:51:18 補充:

2008-10-24 19:54:08 補充:

2008-10-26 01:05:44 補充:
正如本意見箱 eicachan 所說: "切磋球藝", 但 Celia 用 "garbage" 及 "Isn't he/she sick of doing the same thing over and over again?", 請問是 "挑釁" 或 "切磋"? 有識之士請判斷啦!
湏要反駁 eicachan 那首詩 : " 是非成販轉頭空,靑山依舊在,幾度夕陽紅,大家和和氣氣,志在切磋球藝,何必含怒到終日。修正: 啋,不是終目" -----by eicachan.
爭論要點是 "中傷及挑釁問題", 不是"是非及成敗問題"。Baggio 受人無理辱駡後,道出不滿情緒,好正常啫,何必嘲笑諷刺! 什麽是言論自由呀? 但有人就用言論自由的口號,把人無理地駡到片甲不留! 再者,故作解釋為"終目", 屬畫蛇添足,居心何在?
我曾說: 和和氣氣都未必可行,原因是: 事後他們大條道理,manxxx 乃是男兒好漢,從不(畢)屈人,頂天立地,誓不低頭! 怎樣和和氣氣呀? 難道要 baggio 反過來 say sorry? 天理何在呀!
"....that is very disappoint to the other (just like slap on someone's face!)--------------by dsse6571
"......請勿人身攻擊..."------------------by ken
"Do you think by pointing out my attitude problem is in any way helpful to the question?"--------------------------------------by celia (其實她已心虛默 認 其 態度已有問題,但她扯開話題,誓不feel sorry.)
"If he/she can't take these hard feeling, I think the best solution is "Make no response to any questions & just quit."-------------by celia (即是叫 baggio從此絕跡江湖,退隱他鄉,喎! 非常權威之言論!)

2008-10-26 01:14:07 補充:
以上所說,句句屬實,欲知詳情,請參閱 : Pls correct this letter 意見箱的 大約100條意見, 但不保證記錄完整無缺,因可能有些會被删除。
2011-04-22 8:49 pm
Pardon my indulgence to comment adversely on what you wrote in the eighth
paragraph, inter alia, " We have to let other people *to* judge.......". I sincerely hope that was a mere typing error rather than a grammatical
mistake often committed by primary students.
2010-08-01 4:28 pm
要勝過別人不難, 可是要勝過自己, 真的太難了! 人生猶如一場夢, [莫名其妙的生來; 無可奈何的活著; 不知所以然的死掉.] (出自某報的讀者之言) . 容人乃大, 談何容易!
2008-10-31 10:31 pm
A small group of absurd people are nothing, just ignore them.
A much larger group of people are with you, just do what you are doing........don't get upset.
2008-10-27 8:52 am
I totally agree with both loopluxbury and Ken's comments.

2008-10-27 00:52:26 補充:
Baggio is the victim of provocation. The trouble makers are those who continue to pick on the victim because of jealousy. The best solution is to ignore those foolish acts and continue the way you are.
Answering 2161 questions is an accomplishment for Baggio. Celia thinks she is such a pro in English, yet can't offer any suggestions that are actually helpful. It means that she is rude and arrogant by using the insulting word. Stop insulting people who are trying to contribute.

2008-10-27 01:06:28 補充:
Sorry for the typing mistake: It should be read as: ........and continue with the way you are.

INSTEAD OF ; ....continue the way you are.
2008-10-25 4:55 am
i know that you're hurting

i do hope that you can get well soon

pls remember, at least there are real friends who understand you and support you
2008-10-24 1:04 pm
青山依舊在 幾度夕陽紅

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