Why has celiachau0709 suddenly become celia_chau97

2008-10-21 11:29 am
Re: http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/question?qid=7008100900541

Amid the heated exchanges that had been going on, when celiachau0709 ( http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/my/my?show=HA01020722 ) had seemed to stop her strike back against her accusers, when a cease fire looked apparent, suddenly celia_chau97 ( http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/my/my?show=HA01113972 ) sprang into the battlefield with a new round of attack, in the same outfit of celiachau0709's, bringing the heat to a new level by provoking the accusers even more.

celia_chau97, do not play fire. Identity theft is a crime.

eicachan my friend, You don't seem to understand my question or you have not the read the comment posted to the questions carefully. celia_chau97 was imporsonating celiachau0709. I don't think this celia_chau97 had had the explicit permission from celiachau0709 for doing so.


mancheung323, Your answer makes sense.

回答 (4)

2008-10-21 10:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I assume the two different names are under the same person. If not, celiachau0709 should have already made her protest.
I don't think a person would let a stranger use his/her identity without saying one word, especially at that critical moment......
2008-10-23 3:28 pm
2008-10-22 1:30 pm
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ,有因必有果。
2008-10-21 1:00 pm
'When a dog bites you, you do not bite it back. You use a stick to punish it ! If the dog just barks, then let it bark ! We are not animal so we cannot really communicate with the dog ! ' by baggio
'So keep on striking for your best and don't be upset by garbage :P ' by ceclia

2008-10-21 05:00:55 補充:
It is very unkind to downgrade our fellow knowledge friend to the status of a dog. Comparatively what she might have done wrong in naming someone's composition as garbage is only very trivial.

2008-10-21 05:01:05 補充:
Indeed we all have animal instinct and are some time not civilized as we should be. But the good book teaches us: "Don't be angry to the end of the day"

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