pls correct this letter

2008-10-09 7:56 pm
i want to ask for extention shipment with the following excuse , pls see below if it is correct. pls check and correct it,

I received our factory info that the bulk yarn of style 3330 found the bulk fabric there is col difference in the same lot , now our factory need some time to sort them , and we will reorder the bulk yarn , so we focus we cannot meet the shipment due date, could I extend this order shipment to 30 Oct , pls confirm your acceptance.

回答 (8)

2008-10-09 9:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Re : Request for Extension of Shipment for PO # ???? (or style 3330)
Please kindly note that we need to extend the shipdate for PO #??? to October 30 due to the problems in the raw materials.
The bulk yarn of style 3330 arrived in our factory but we found that there is color difference of the bulk fabric (yarn???) in the same lot. Our factory is now working in full capacity to sort out the different color bulk yarn and re-order the correct one.
Noting the processing and re-order time, we found that we cannot meet the original shipdate. Therefore we would like to request for an extension of shipdate for this order to October 30.
Please kindly understand our situation and accept the revised shipdate.
Best Regards

2008-10-19 18:17:33 補充:
To all dear friends :

Please do not waste your time anymore in this question. When a dog bites you, you do not bite it back. You use a stick to punish it ! If the dog just barks, then let it bark ! We are not animal, so we cannot really communicate with the dog !


2008-10-24 15:51:30 補充:
Dear Garlic,
I have looked up in the Longman Contemporary English Dictionary, for the word surprise it does have entries of both surprise (v) and surprised (adj) , but surprised (adj) was highlighted in red (which means common usage in this dictionary).

2008-10-24 15:51:50 補充:
Therefore, I believe the original inquiry that Ken has raised has solid ground. As a matter of fact the dictionary also have similar usage of “it surprises someone”, but the sentence structure is very different --- it has “to know / to see” to link up with the clause afterwards.

2008-10-24 15:52:09 補充:
In the dictionary we can also see the example of simple present tense “it+surprise”, but they are used in question instead of a statement (Does it surprise you?).

2008-10-24 15:54:20 補充:
To sum up, Ken’s inquiry on whether “it surprises me a lot” was an appropriate question and his argument on “it + surprises” is not commonly used by English speaking people which is kind of herky-jerky, sounds to me a reasonable speculation.
參考: Myself
2008-10-23 10:55 am
It surprises me a lot 是對的。(不是做 final conclusion,只是據我的英文知識說)

garbage 是一個去得很盡的形容詞,無論那種metaphor都絶對不只是 boring,而是有一文不值的意思。你可以說一篇 boring 的文章是 garbage,分別是前者是感覺,後者是評價。

Celiachau 希望你不是英文老師吧,否則你的學生就慘了,不知每天要給你鬧幾多次garbage。

2008-10-23 07:15:48 補充:
將人比狗確有不是,駡人太盡是會 backfire 的,我想 Baggio 已經體會這個道理。不過 being nothing 在彿家、道家都是最高境界,就當是你抬舉吧。

2008-10-24 01:31:25 補充:
「說起來並不暢順」跟使用上是否適當並無關係,在我說來十分流暢。It surprises me 的例子明天會放上評論上。至於 a lot 屬 adverbial phrase,加不加對句子無損。

2008-10-25 02:29:13 補充:
I don't want to start another fight. But don't you think your words "既然 Garlic 認為是流暢自然的句子, 請多使用" is a little provoking? Why can't we just state what we think is correct?

2008-10-25 02:31:42 補充:
There is a subtle difference between "The book interests me" and "I am interested in the book". Likewise, the same applies to
It surprises me to learn you are a mother of three.
I am surprised to learn you are a mother of three.

2008-10-25 02:33:30 補充:
There are situations when one is preferred to the other. It depends on the tone and the expression of idea. That is why language is an art.

2008-10-25 03:54:07 補充:
If you do not mean to be provoking and it is me being over suspicious, please ignore my post #98.
2008-10-19 9:50 am
To Celia
Please say something politely, reasonable and fairly. Stop attacking someone whom you don't like or you feel jealous.

2008-10-19 01:53:27 補充:
To Celia,
Baggio is helping people here for English. No matter the answer is perfect or not (It depends
or varies from the way of usage.), he/she should not deserve to be attacked or blamed.

2008-10-19 02:05:40 補充:
To Celia,
This place is becoming the war-field instead of knowledgeable section because of the people
hurting others by upgrading themselves, that I hate to see very much.

2008-10-19 20:45:37 補充:
It was a matter of attitude, not the freedom in expressing. Mind the words you used.

2008-10-19 5:37 am
我相信每一個回答者都係將自己認為是正確的知識跟大家分享, 絕無害人之心. 如果付出了自己最宝貴的, 而得到這樣的對待, 就實在太可惜了! 如果有人想對某此回答作出評論, 提出了問題的所在就己經足夠了, 但我懇請大家本著互相尊重的態度去發表. 因為無論係我肯定過, 或者無肯定過的人 , 我都將他們看作為我的知識友, 大家就像坐著同一條船一樣.

2008-10-18 21:38:53 補充:
如果回答者未能作出十全十美的回答是一件錯事, 那麼破壞了這個和諧的學習環境, 又是否一件正確的事呢?

「和平共處, 真誠交流」,但願每個人都有這個想法!
2008-10-18 6:28 pm
似乎, 參與此題的朋友覺得, 指出別人的錯, 幫助大家學好英文, 是最重要的. 至於是否會在用詞方面, 有意或無意間作出人身攻擊, 也不是大問題? 希望我沒有理解錯誤啦.

2008-10-18 10:29:53 補充:
有些回答的內容已被人提出質疑, 所以我不再提出了. 我見到覺得有問題的, 我就提出來, 希望 the answerer concerned 可以查證...

2008-10-18 10:31:23 補充:
request 一字, 當作動詞及名詞使用時, 是否一樣要加 "for" 字的? 是? 不是?

2008-10-18 10:35:13 補充:
dsse6571, 本人十分認同你的見解. 希望各參與者盡量對事不對人.

2008-10-18 10:45:01 補充:
It surprises me a lot. 意思是不是, 某件事 (已發生了的), 時常令自己感到出奇?

個人較多遇見的情況, 是 I'm surprised (adj) ...., 多於以 simple present 的 「動詞」 來表達. 或許是我英文見識少, 所以不知啦. 真要向英文好的朋友多多請教指正, 免得自己製造知識垃圾出來害了想學好英文的朋友呢.

2008-10-18 10:47:19 補充:
我的留言, 可能令某些朋友不開心. 其實我也一樣, 為甚麼要以指出他人的錯來貶低其他人呢? 有錯要指正, 但請勿人身攻擊. 如上述內容有失言, 請原諒.

2008-10-18 10:49:55 補充:
歡迎公開或私人回覆作 "友善" 意見交流.

2008-10-20 12:23:28 補充:
(1) 之前早已說過, 本人可能因為見識少, 所以不知有某些英文 usage. 現在, 終於體會到甚麼是見識了. 多謝賜教. (2) yahoo dictionary, 原來是英文的典範? 想學好英文的朋友, 如相信 yahoo dictionary 是可靠的極品, 請繼續使用它.

2008-10-20 12:31:02 補充:
CAMBRIDGE 的 英 / 美 版本字典, 關於 garbage 一字用來形容別人的說話時, 都竟然只說是解作 NONSENSE (我想大家都知 nonsense 是甚麼意思及屬何等 "客氣" 用語) 或 worthless ideas (無意義無價值, 或可能是廣東話的 "無料到"), 卻找不到可以解作 boring 的意思. CAMBRIDGE, 唔通連 yahoo 都不如? 不配有名牌大學的品牌?

2008-10-20 12:36:41 補充:
The sun rises in the east. 可用來解釋 It surprises me a lot. 為何合理? 這更是又一次 surpriseD 我了. 又一次增加我的見識. 首先有必要澄清, 這個 sentence 文法上完全沒有問題, 我一早已說過, 是少見有此用法的處境, 沒有說過 grammar 有問題. 其次, ...

2008-10-20 12:39:15 補充:
請留意下, the sun rises in the east, 不單是一個 fact, 更是一個 general truth, 經常發生的事! 如果所有 facts 都可以用 simple present 來表達, 那麼, 你母親生了你, 也可以用 simple present 來講嗎? 難道母親可以每天都生自己的某個孩子一次? (太陽可每日升出來一次, 但孩子也是如此嗎?) 如果連這個道理也不明, 我就真的很出奇了. I'm surprised again!

2008-10-20 12:42:13 補充:
所以, 早前我只是提出一個疑問: It surprises me a lot, 是想表達, 某位朋友的進步, 經常/又一次使自己有驚喜嗎? 當時只是提出一個疑問, 可皆的是, 得不到恰當的回應, 反被誤會為想表達甚麼 simple present 現在式之類的基本文法問題, 真遺憾!

2008-10-20 12:44:18 補充:
順帶一提另一些字, 如 interest, 我們較 "常見" 的用法是當形容詞及名詞, 雖然字典也收錄了此字作動詞的解釋.

2008-10-20 12:49:03 補充:
幸參與者曾表達過自己是如何的 "open-minded", 認為人人都有表達個人意見和感受的自由, 因此, 使本人在寫上述想法時, 不必顧慮是否會有傷和氣, 因為原來只要說出自己真正的想法, 就可以了. 希望說話者不要雙重標準啦.

2008-10-23 12:08:33 補充:
celia 君在 058 中說:

The sun rises in the east & I'm a woman 等都是指regular fact, 難道用[我總是女人/時常是女人]的角度來理解此句? Too absurd!

對! 因此當我一開始提問關於 it surprises me a lot 之時 有人卻用 the sun rises in the east 來解釋的話, 真的 too absurd.

2008-10-23 12:14:26 補充:
057 的回應:

"She's over 80? You SURPRISE me!" 這個例子就遠較之前的太陽從東方升起合理了. 但請大家留意, 此句的 【subject 不是 it, 是 you】 如果找到一個 It surprises xxx a lot 的例子, 就更有說服力了.

2008-10-23 12:20:55 補充:
Garlic 064 的回應:

我沒有說過 It surprises me a lot 是文法錯的, 只是質疑使用上是否「適當」. Celia 君剛找到例子只說明 tense 方面 simple present 沒有問題, 但 subject 有所不同, 而且從說話流暢度來看, 「似乎」少見外國人說 it surprises me 加 a lot, 是因為要 加 s 說起來並不暢順.

2008-10-23 12:24:00 補充:
也同意 Garlic 所講關於 "garbage 是一個去得很盡的形容詞,無論那種metaphor都絶對不只是 boring,而是有一文不值的意思。" (但 對 065 的回應則有保留)

2008-10-23 12:26:31 補充:
如果 celia 君的 "metaphor 論" 真的講得通, 或者, 大家以後見到對方釣魚時, 可以直叫對方為 hooker 了! 因為 hook 此動詞可以是釣魚的釣字, 而字典的確也有 hooker 可以是 the one who hooks 的意思. 但今時今日, 大家都知用此字的主要意思是甚麼. 但既然有人辯稱可以使用甚麼文學技巧? 那麼, 以後見那種人釣魚時, 不妨叫佢做 hooker, 佢真信相信 "metaphor論"是說話藝術的話, 應該唔會嬲的. (但記得不要對一般 "見識少" 的普通人這樣說)

2008-10-23 15:14:51 補充:




2008-10-24 13:25:46 補充:
既然 Garlic 認為是流暢自然的句子, 請多使用, 反正這句子 grammar 上沒有錯 (一直沒有說這方面有問題).

但因為一直以來少見, 所以才提出疑問 (早已說過可能是自己見識少, 所以未聽過人如此表達, 可翻查我初期的發言).

2008-10-24 16:09:38 補充:
多謝 baggio 在 090-094 根據有份量的字典給大家解釋 ^_^

我也向外國的朋友請教過有關問題, 剛妖到其中一位朋友的回覆, 轉載給大家參考:

2008-10-24 16:15:32 補充:
"It surprises me a lot" isn't natural english. It's correct, 【but】 you'll stand out as different. If you want to use the word surprise you would use "I'm surprised", ...

2008-10-24 16:17:50 補充:
【因此, 不是文法對錯問題, 而是這說法是否多 native speakers 使用的問題. 當然, 我們也可以說一位外國朋友的說話不可代表所有 native speakers 說話】

2008-10-25 09:16:12 補充:
2) Basically your message 100 is right, but I don't think that applies to celia's context.

2008-10-25 09:21:39 補充:
3) As quoted before (95-96), "It surprises me a lot" isn't natural english. It's correct, 【but】 you'll stand out as different." So unless i find that the NATIVE SPEAKERS that i know like celia's expression or I don't think I'll use it.
2008-10-18 1:05 pm
I think both candidates are trying to help the others on their question! And I do believe everyone have their right to make comment! If you think the other one is boring, that's fine! Vote for the one you like, but don't call the other is garbage!

2008-10-18 05:05:25 補充:
That's very disrespect to the other(Just like slap on someone face!)! I don't care how good your English is, if you don't respect the other people, doesn't mean anything!

2008-10-18 05:08:42 補充:
Please, respect yourself and the others!!
2008-10-18 8:12 am
To Respondent / Candidate #002: Hello there, It's been quite a while I didn't see you round, yet I now find that you have made astonishing progress in your pursuit of English betterment! And I'm so impressed by this particular piece of writing !!

2008-10-18 00:13:48 補充:
It surprises me a lot. (unlike the other one - monotonous and boring - I think he / she has produced something similar for BILLION TIMES already. Isn't he / she sick of doing the same thing over & over again? To be honest, I want to yawn whenever I come across his / her work.)

2008-10-18 00:20:29 補充:
I believe 'Practice Makes Perfect'. So keep on striking for your best and don't be upset by garbage :P

2008-10-18 00:26:03 補充:
However, I think it will sound better if the clause "Your kind consideration will highly be appreciated" is changed into "..... will be greatly appreciated". Do you think so? ^-^

2008-10-18 00:58:56 補充:
There is a slight difference between 'highly' and 'greatly' regarding the application of these words. In most cases, 'highly' means '高度地' while 'greatly' can be interpreted as '非常地' (very similar to 'very much' / 'a lot').

2008-10-18 01:09:37 補充:
e.g. highly confidential (but not 'greatly' confidential); greatly upset (but not 'highly' upset); So I think the meaning that you are trying to express is no different from 'we thank you for your kind consideration VERY MUCH'.

2008-10-18 01:10:01 補充:
That is why I think 'greatly' is more appropriate in here.

2008-10-18 01:15:44 補充:
'we THANK YOU for your kind consideration VERY MUCH'.

2008-10-19 04:38:26 補充:

2008-10-19 04:38:53 補充:

2008-10-19 04:41:05 補充:
For the sake of safeguarding all respondents' benefits, including those who are in dispute with me, I wish to state only 2 points and will respond to the following comments NO MORE.

2008-10-19 04:41:47 補充:
Hence, I beg for the questioner's patience and understanding! To be concise, all irrational comments previously set forth will be ignored.

2008-10-19 04:42:44 補充:
First, you guys talk about respect, so HAVE YOU PAID ANY RESPECT TO THE QUESTIONER by taking up 13 - 14 boxes to complain about my style / attitude? Is THE PURPOSE OF YOUR COMPLAINT RELEVANT TO THE QUESTION ASKED?

2008-10-19 04:43:42 補充:
Although I did some criticism and comparison while stating my personal views, I was responding to the writing skills which had been applied in both sample letters. Whether you think my opinion is useful or not, it shows that I WAS PAYING ATTENTION TO THE ASKER'S CONCERN AS A WHOLE.

2008-10-19 04:44:58 補充:
So what about you people? Do you think the issue raised here is about ethics? Has anyone demanded ethical teaching in the first place? Well, at least I have not.

2008-10-19 04:47:16 補充:
More importantly, EVERYONE HAS THE RIGHTS TO EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS FREELY, especially this place is for OPEN DISCUSSION! Why couldn't I make any judgment? Why couldn't I show my favour? Why couldn't I state my comment which I believe is TRUE?

2008-10-19 04:51:29 補充:
Who took away those rights from me? HAVE I VIOLATED ANY OF THE YAHOO'S RULES? If so, please go to Yahoo straight away and let Yahoo make the conclusion.

2008-10-19 04:54:54 補充:
Let me remind you, whatever you are now asking me to follow shows YOU HAVE OVERRIDEN YAHOO'S POWER TO RESTRICT WHAT I AM SUPPOSED TO DO. To simplify, I only follow Yahoo's rules but not yours! I'M ALWAYS FREE TO CHOOSE WHO TO RESPECT!

2008-10-23 01:17:20 補充:
牛皮燈籠點極都唔明! Oxford Dictionary裡對[Surprise]作為verb有以下的定義及提供用現在式的實例: [Tn] cause (sb) to feel surprised (使某人吃驚): She’s over 80? You SURPRISE me! 套用閣下的字眼去解說, 即[surprise]於無論何時想起/認為都有相同的感覺 (過去/現在/將來); 這個想法/意見/信念是有常規的事實-Regular/general fact

2008-10-23 01:20:24 補充:
(quoted from Cambridge grammar book), 所以絕對能用現在式! Thus, ‘The sun rises in the east’ & ‘I’m a woman’ 等都是指regular fact, 難道用[我總是女人/時常是女人]的角度來理解此句? Too absurd! 至於‘I was born in 1988’ 不是regular fact (因只涉及過去), so一定是用過去式. 這例子根本不appropriate, 連什麼才是relevant example都不會分,

2008-10-23 01:21:34 補充:
學多幾年文法再說吧! 至於現在式用來加強[真的]這種語氣的用法不想多作解釋, it’s a waste of my time! 總之要拗數的話跟Oxford Dict.的作者們去拗!
我只說過Yahoo. dict.裡有類似我想說的意思(..similar meaning is provided..), 以証明‘garbage’不只means‘垃圾’, 最近興玩斷章取義嗎? 至於任何字典提供的定義
首先是針對字的本體意思去解釋 (explain the literal meaning);

2008-10-23 01:22:12 補充:
有需要的話才會提供部分大路的暗喻意思. Like Chinese, ‘Metaphor’隱喻(一種修辭法)的運用會隨著每個作者的風格和理解而會被演繹得不同, 不能被 standardized; 你查不到‘garbage’可比喻作‘boring/monotonous work’ 有何出奇? 字典沒提及=不能用嗎? 怎可能有本字典把全世界所有好的 writers寫過的暗喻全都放進去?

2008-10-23 01:23:38 補充:
You may disagree about my view, but you can’t say/ suggest it’s a mistake unless the dictionary or other reliable sources PROVE so. 從以上2點看來, 你對英文理解和運用都太rigid了, 而且為爭辯而爭辯, 眼光不客觀, 不會再回應你的任何論點!

2008-10-23 01:26:50 補充:
To baggio4182007: 要是閣下把本人的批評視作狗咬的話, 那一定是咬中要害了, 否則何須動用棍子來對付? Feeling threatened而心虛嗎? 你叫各網友用棍子來對付一條狗, 這行為跟street dog發動群攻有何分別? 而且是anti-animal rights, 如此uncivilized & petty-minded, 怎寫得出文明而profound 的文章? 你是在証明自己的作品是‘garbage’嗎?

2008-10-23 01:28:01 補充:
根據Ken查出來的定義: garbage = nonsense & worthless ideas 呢! 嗱, Ken哥教我的呀! 而且這次我用得很politely & respectfully 呢, 要對付就對付Ken哥呀! 不過我想你說得對, 我們是不能溝通的, 因你說你連動物都不是, 那你是什麼? YOU ARE NOTHING???!!
2008-10-09 11:33 pm
Dear XXX
Re: Extension of shipment date
I refer to the captioned matter.
We really regret to inform you that a problem was observed regarding the bulk yarn of style 3330 . As advised by our factory, there is colour difference found in the bulk fabric of the same batch. As such, we have to reorder the bulk yarn to standardize our product and it will take us extra time.
As the case may be, most probably the product can't be delivered on our scheduled shipment date . We therefore would like to request for an extension of the shipment refixed on 30 Oct. Please kindly confirm us of your acceptance.
Your kind consideration will highly be appreciated.
Best regards,

2008-10-17 22:47:24 補充:
一條問題的勝負也這樣重要嗎? 咁多人, 很熱鬧啊........

2008-10-18 01:21:34 補充:
Hi Celiachau: your explanation is really clear and appropriate. Thanks for taking your time for the comment.

2008-10-23 14:18:08 補充:
To: Celiachau

"Anything more than enough is a waste".

值得為芝麻綠豆小事再花寶貴的時間嗎? 我可花不起, 你呢?

很喜歡的一句話: "謠言止於智者", 送給你, 也送給自己!

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