How much have you humanized your dog?

2008-08-25 5:38 pm
There are plenty of people here that claim to seriously pamper there precious wittle doggies, and others (myself included) who subscribe to the idea that canine=canine and not canine=furry human.

I have found that the majority of people who spoil and pamper their pets have little concept of canine behavior, canine psychology, and often assign their dogs human emotions.

How many of you admittedly humanize your dog? What behavioral issues have come of it? And how many of you deliberately treat your dogs like....well....dogs?

回答 (31)

2008-08-25 6:01 pm
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Brilliant question! :)

You're absolutely right -- often the people who "spoil" their "fur-babies" are the same people who attempt to rationalize why the dog marks the house ("he's mad at me for leaving him home"), or snaps at them when they try to move him over on the couch ("he was in a grumpy mood").

Their dogs aren't canine...they're little people, so why should there be any need to understand how a dog's mind works?

Yes, I occasionally put silly hats on my Dachshunds for fun, and I do hold an Annual Siberian Birthday Party every Dec. 1st (my first Siberian's birthday) for all of the dogs...vanilla ice cream, a raw beef bone, and a little slice of meat pizza.

...but I realize these things are for *me*, not the dogs, and I just don't think it's possible for me to "humanize" my dogs. I can't even think that way. I love my dogs, but they are dogs. Most of them sleep outside, eat raw meat once a day, and are expected to keep their damned paws on the ground when they greet me.
2008-08-25 6:12 pm
My two Dobermanns would run riot if they were given so much as an inch, so no I definitely would not humanise them, nor do I see them as furry people.

Tori and JJ are canine members of the family and treated as such. They are given the best health care, allowed on furniture but will get off on command, allowed on the bed but again will get down on command. They have coats, but only for inclement weather not to look cute.

They are obedient 95% of the time and are only rewarded by praise or an occasional treat for good behaviour. (The other 5% is a work in progress, as I am currently modifying my training after receiving some excellent advice).

They are treated as canines and valued for what they are. They also know their place and don't have behavioural issues.
2008-08-25 5:52 pm
Rachel, I can honestly say that while I love my dogs to death, they do get treated like dogs. I have children and I have dogs....I do not confuse the 2. My dogs know what they can and cannot do, what I allow and what i will not tolerate from them. I can be the biggest softee or the meanest b*tch sometimes. The bottom line is....the dogs need to know their place in the house and I'm there to make sure they don't forget the rules. That being said....I still grab hold of my dogs jowels and give a small kiss on I said, I'm only stern when I need to be!
2008-08-25 11:10 pm
Good question.

I guess the most simple way I can put it is that my dogs are as important to me as humans. They live with me, I spend more time with them than any other human being on earth, and in some ways they need me. So, this in many ways does begin to take on a human role, simply because most people would say these things about another human being.

I do not treat my dogs like little people in a fur suit, though. Simply because I know that is not what's good for my dog. My dogs are "spoiled" by species appropriate raw meat meals, not little pink fur coats; by trips to the national forest to run their little tails off, not trips to the mall in a handbag; by toys that stimulate them and keep their minds busy (like agility equipment in the back yard and puzzle cubes in the house), not piles of rawhide so they stop bugging me.
2008-08-25 10:37 pm
Great question Rachel and some brilliant answers so I’ll keep this short..
I own a dog, not a furry baby therefore he is treated like the dog he is.

Contrary to popular belief (among the people who don’t see dogs as dogs)
He is not;
Unhappy etc etc
Because he is treated like a dog.

The best gift you can give to a dog is to let them be a dog.
2008-08-25 6:43 pm
My dog is a 'dog'. I am not applying human psychology on him and I am constantly trying to better my understanding of the dogs world. That being said: I will get him the best food, I will visit the vet 2-3 times for the same problem if I have to and I will drive miles away to participate in activities he enjoys. Would that be considered spoiled and pampered!...for some yes, for some no.
2008-08-26 2:02 am
I do not humanize my dogs at all. They would be worthless to me if I did. I don't need a 75 pound lap dog! They are my dogs and I love them but I also show and work my dogs too!
I cant have a dog have an off day because God forbid he didn't get enough pets for the day!

Pampered pets don't have a place in my home. I'm not a premadonna why should I own one!

2008-08-25 6:03 pm
I think people who treat their dogs like "children" are guilty of (among other things!) PROJECTING their desires for having an obedient, cute, portable, unconditionally loving CHILD onto an animal that, in actuality, has little in common with a human child.

Rarely have I seen these people (many are friends or relatives of mine) actually do any research on the breed (that's another aspect of it - it always seems that it HAS to be a purebred!) before getting it to determine if their lifestyle will be compatible with that of the dog.

Rarely have I seen any consideration given to how much dog-with-dog interaction ALL DOGS truly need and are frequently left alone for long stretches of the day and evening, while the human owner goes out for drinks after work, or to the gym, or to hobby class, etc....

Long ago, I chose to only have CATS because cats are less social animals, are far more self-sufficient, and are much more tolerant of long absences than dogs are...... but when FATE decided to put a 14-week old puppy on my doorstep in Jan. 07, I knew my lifestyle would change because of it.

This included paying for obedience classes as well as adopting another animal from a local shelter so the puppy would have a playmate while we were at work (time spent in doggy daycare proved how happy he was and worn out in the evening!). The carpet had to be replaced with laminate, a dog door had to be cut into our backdoor, and chemicals had to stop being used to control weeds in the back as well.

I keep referring to your last questions.... I think I do a mix of both. I pamper (sleep on my bed, get treats, trips to Petsmart, one gets professionally groomed regularly, etc.) two dogs that have added immense love and joy to my life, but whom I KNOW ARE STILL DOGS (get walked daily, don't wear clothes, don't come before my friends/family members needs, etc.)

Which brings me to my final point: Having these two dogs was a great pre-cursor/practice to getting pregnant last year and actually having a baby! Who knew these two showed up to get my house ready for a REAL circus!
參考: life the last year and a half with 3 cats, 2 dogs, one husband (who never had an inside dog before) and now one baby!
2008-08-26 4:52 am
I spoil because it has been "earned". Another words, Pilot has everything he could ever want in his "happy go lucky doggie life", trips to the park to play with his best buddies, the beach, camping trips, hikes, mountains, streams, lakes, adventures, small treats, pigs ears, toys, hunting games, hide-n-seek, sticks, jogs, ice cubes, dad and mom time, brushes, hugs,...etc.

However, he is expected to "respect, obey, listen, and do as we ask". Since he does all of the above, he gets a bit more than "should we say" the average dog!

Oh.....and he has the freedom to be outside or inside via his doggie door. And, it's NOT gold trimmed!! Ha ha ha!!

Ummmm...."mini" humanized, but somewhat "not". It's called, "BEING FLEXIBLE".
參考: Mommy to my loving and devoted golden retriever, Pilot! :oP
2016-05-25 9:57 am
The humanize animal everything. It's annoying. People always think that their pets want to have offspring because people want to have children. That's not the case. Most male animals could care less about their offspring and may even harm them because they see them as a threat. And they may just be animals but I don't think ANY creature would want to carry around 2-8 animals in their body for months, birth them all, & have them nurse. Oh and male animals don't miss their balls. My dog used to lick the spot where his were all the time like they were still there. It didn't matter to him. It doesn't take away their manliness, cuz their not men. OK sorry about the rant. People Humanizing animals just bugs the hell out of me.

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