
2008-08-24 1:25 am

回答 (4)

2008-08-28 1:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案



2008-08-28 05:51:01 補充:
2013-03-29 12:40 am
03.利用兼職的時間 賺取全職的收入
04.全新商機 中文系統才正要開始
05.透過網路 賺取來自全球超過50個國家的收入
06.免費加入 體驗系統為您帶來成果 再考慮要不要投資
2008-08-26 12:49 am
最低工資 means minimum wage, when minimum wage occured, it means
that the wage is not setting above the equilibrium point of wage, it will leads
to excess supply of labor, and decrease in labor demand, and hence create
unemployment (UE).

I am not sure if this law passes in HK yet, but the main differences are:

1) the minimum wage law already working in most foreign countries for many years, and most companies are willing to follow this rule, because this law is working so well in country such as Australia. Employees can report for any unfair treating, and this covered all levels of workers.

2) but in HK, it seems that this law is designated for mainly the lower skills workers, this may create a social division between classes within the society. It may also lead to further UE for those low skills workers , or even unfair treatment. Even though if this law passed in HK, it may not work broadly in reality, some reasons maybe that those low skills workers afraid that they will lose their jobs and willing to lower their wage with their boss; also, this may attract more black market labors.

So in theory, minimum wage will lead to an increase in UE.

This is just my opinions from my limited knowledge, please tell me if anything goes wrong.
參考: myself
2008-08-24 8:04 am
最低工資 = set price floor = the price not create by the market = surplus = unemployment up

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