
2008-08-20 9:35 am
開啓筆記簿電腦後,顏色顯示全部走樣,好像看底片一樣,是不是 video card 壞了。我住北美,電壓是 110 伏特,電腦帶返香港用時無問題,電腦在香港用過兩個月,從香港回來後,接上電源開機便是現在的樣子,請問有甚麽方法解救﹖

試過 Save mode,顏色一樣,Display Properties 也沒有改變過。

The DOS screen is green instead of the normal black, display problem in DOS mode. Pressing the outer edges of the panel has no effect.

回答 (1)

2008-08-20 9:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
Seems LCD display panel problem
You should enter Dos mode to see whether it display same.
By typing cmd in the command prompt, see whether the dos mode screen clear or not.
If still display unclear, 100% LCD panel bad.
If display clear, seems only the SVGA card driver problem. Just need download the corresponding SVGA chip driver and re-install will be OK
If Panel problem, may be the outmost frame of the panel loosen.
Try to press the outer edges of the panel, remember never touch the screen. If problem disappear, nothing can do except return the laptop to maintenance desk.
God bless u.

2008-08-20 14:26:29 補充:
It should be the panel problem, before sending to support service desk, try pressing the outer frames that close to the joints between the panel and the keyboard to see if it work, otherwise need to be repaired by maintenance desk.

收錄日期: 2021-04-24 09:45:32
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