There are four people who are come from Hong Kong

2008-08-01 7:29 am
There are four people who are come from Hong Kong
我唔明點解會係who are come 唔係 who come


There are four people who are come from Hong Kong 這 一 句 文 法 沒 有 錯 , 但 who are 二 字 不 可 略 去 。 略 去 了 who are , come 就 成 為 一 個 單 獨 的 主 動 過 去 分 詞 ( active past participle )

我地有 we are from hk/we come from hk
唔會有we are come from hk

有人話因為come 係 adj
咁即係 come from hk 係一個 adj 的野 ? 即係點?

主 動 過 去 分 詞
貴 欄 說 「 There is no signature shown on the document ( 文 件 上 不 見 有 簽 字 ) 一 語 正 確 , 因 為 shown 等 於 被 動 語 態 的 that is shown , 而 that is 二 字 可 以 略 去 。 」 ; 「 貴 欄 又 說 There are four people come from Hong Kong ( 有 四 個 來 自 香 港 的 人 ) 一 語 不 對 , 因 為 主 動 語 態 的 come 之 前 須 加 who have 二 字 , 不 可 略 去 。 」 但 英 文 可 以 說 The Lord is come ( 天 主 來 了 ) , 然 則 There are four people (who are) come from Hong Kong 和 There is no signature ( that is ) shown on the document 兩 句 不 是 同 樣 正 確 嗎 ?

這 問 題 我 原 以 為 讀 者 不 會 問 , 不 料 還 是 有 人 提 出 , 實 在 難 得 。 The Lord is ( =has ) come 、 He was ( =had ) gone ( 他 去 了 ) 、 Are ( =Have ) you finished with your homework ? ( 你 的 家 庭 作 業 做 好 了 嗎 ? ) 之 類 句 子 , 用 is 、 was 等 取 代 has 、 had , 對 一 般 學 英 語 的 人 來 說 , 很 難 掌 握 。 這 類 句 子 既 不 常 見 , 而 且 帶 主 動 含 義 的 動 詞 很 少 可 用 於 這 句 式 , 我 認 為 不 必 多 談 。 讀 者 沿 用 has come 、 had gone 等 常 見 說 法 較 為 穩 當 。
現 在 談 讀 者 的 問 題 : There are four people who are come from Hong Kong 這 一 句 文 法 沒 有 錯 , 但 who are 二 字 不 可 略 去 。 略 去 了 who are , come 就 成 為 一 個 單 獨 的 主 動 過 去 分 詞 ( active past participle ) ; 而 和 其 他 一 些 主 動 過 去 分 詞 一 樣 , 略 去 了 主 詞 ( subject ) 和 輔 助 動 詞 ( auxiliary verb ) , 習 慣 上 就 要 和 副 詞 ( adverb ) 連 用 , 例 如 : ( 1 ) There are four people JUST come from Hong Kong 。 ( 2 ) Here is a young woman RECENTLY come into her father's estate 。 ( 這 個 年 輕 女 郎 最 近 繼 承 了 父 親 的 財 產 ) 。

我想問 There are four people coming from Hong Kong 。 There are four people who come from Hong Kong 。 得唔得?

回答 (3)

2008-08-01 9:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
先答 The Lord is come 是否正確,這是一種很古老(已不再用)英文寫法,Joy to the World 是 1719 寫成的,聖經中用了很多 is come
"Arise and shine, for thy light is come."

In this archaic grammatical construction, a form of the verb be is used as an auxiliary with the past participle of an intransitive verb. Grammarians call this the "resultative form," because it refers to a state resulting from a previous action. In Old English, these constructions commonly occurred with intransitive verbs relating to motion or change; examples of such verbs are: come, go, rise, set, fall, arrive, depart, grow. These constructions are in the "perfect tense," which describes an action or state completed prior to some point of reference in time. It expresses the state reached, rather than the action of reaching it.

Now, of course, auxiliary have has replaced auxiliary be in these types of sentences: for example, "Father, I am glad you have come." The use of have arose slightly later than the use of be in most of these cases, and for a time, the two forms co-existed. In fact, the resultative form was still being used in the 19th century: "I am lately arrived thence...she was now returned...she was become morose" (Charlotte Bront).

gone, finished, done 都是 adjectuve,但 come 不是 adjective。
He is gone.
The coffee is all gone
I am done with the dinner.
He is finished with his work.

There are four people who are come from Hong Kong.
There are four people who has come from Hong Kong
There are four people who are from Hong Kong.
There are four people from Hong Kong.

Here is a young woman who has recently come into her father's estate.

2008-08-01 01:16:28 補充:
Sorry, There are four people who has come from Hong Kong
should be
There are four people who have come from Hong Kong.

2008-08-09 23:05:40 補充:
There are four people coming from Hong Kong 。
The four people are coming from Hong Kong but the original sentence means to say that the four people has already come.

2008-08-09 23:07:25 補充:
There are four people who come from Hong Kong 。
有點不對。應用 came 或 has come。
2009-01-03 4:47 am
我的名字is raymond li
www.money128.biz和 -
[email protected]
2008-08-01 7:59 am
The tense in that sentence is incorrect anyway, it should be "There are four people who came from Hong Kong"

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