indirect question

2008-07-19 6:31 am
駛唔駛好似reported speech敢轉tense?
駛唔駛轉time phrase?

'do you want something to eat?', asked jacky
jacky asked if i wanted something to eat
呢隻係咪indirect questions?定係indirect speech?

how do pandas chew bamboo? i was wondering how pandas chew bamboo?
呢句有冇錯?點解用i was wondering而唔係i am wondering?用左was 後面又唔駛轉tense?

did you win the game yesterday? 麻煩用i wonder/i would like to know去轉呢句

回答 (1)

2008-07-19 8:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
Indirect question 其實就係 indirect speech,又可以叫 Reported speech,只不過原來的語句是個問題而矣。

Jacky asked if I wanted something to eat
這句是 indirect speech 也是 indirect question。

Indirect speech 通常都用 Past Tense 因為講明係 reported,將事情講番出來。不過 Present Tense 也有可能,要看作者用法。

"How do pandas chew bamboo?"
I was wondering how pandas chewed bamboo.
這句的 main clause 是 I was wondering。
how pandas chewed bamboo 是 noun clause,整句的 object。
由於 main clause 係 Past Tense,後面亦要將原來時式轉為過去時式。

Did you win the game yesterday?
Indirect question 當面問人
I wonder if you won the game yesterday.
I would like to know if you won the game yesterday.

Reported speech 事後寫出來
I wondered if he won the game the day before/that day.
I would like to know if he won the game the day before/that day.
you 轉為 he。
可能已是幾日後,yesterday 的 time reference 已不正確,所以用 the day before 或 that day。

2008-07-19 00:23:16 補充:
最後一句 Past Tense 應轉為 Past Perfect Tense
I wondered if he had won the game the day before/that day.
I would like to know if he had won the game the day before/that day.

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