
2008-07-16 5:50 am
will be幾時會用?
l"d like 係乜野意思?

回答 (5)

2008-07-16 11:28 am
✔ 最佳答案
Will be is used when you :
- plan to do something
Example : I will go to the supermarket in the afternoon.

- promise to do something
Example : My father will buy me a pen if I pass the test.

- predict something will happen
Example : I think it will rain in the afternoon.

l"d like = I would like = A polite way of saying
Example :
I’d like to invite you to my home to play TV games.
I’d like a cup of tea please.
I’d love to be your partner in the Christmas party.
參考: Myself
2008-07-23 3:43 pm
The use of will in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary:

1. talking about or predicting the future

2. showing that somebody is willing to do something

3. asking somebody to do something

4. ordering somebody to do something

2008-07-23 07:44:13 補充:
5. stating what one think is probably true

6. stating what is generally true

7. stating what is true or possible in a particular case

8. talking about habits

2008-07-23 07:44:48 補充:
Will + verb is not about 一些必然發生的事. If something is sure to happen, we use simple present tense instead.

2008-07-23 07:46:05 補充:
"I will be at the office before 9 am" actually means "When everything is according to schedule, I will be at the office at 9 am." It is referring to a strong intention and fits in the above usage. But we can never be sure about anything, are we?
2008-07-21 8:30 am
would like = want (想 / 想要) 但不常解作喜歡; 喜歡是[like], 它的助動詞也不同. e.g. I do not like / he did not like; [would like]只有在很特殊的情況下才解作[喜歡] (尢其是只有在用past tense的句式或文章中); e.g. I bought the dress for you because I thought you would like it.
2008-07-18 5:51 pm
1. will be 將會的意思, 是將來式, 語氣非常肯定. 說一些必然發生的事.
I will be at office before 9am. (我在九時前一定在辦公室)

2. 如果可能性低就用would.

If I go to school eariler, I will have a breakfast at this restaurant. (如果到達學校比較早, 我一定去這家餐廳叮早餐) 全句現在式

If I went to school eariler, I would had a breakfast at this restaurant.(若果 [不肯定語氣] 到達學校比較早, 我可能去這家餐廳叮早餐) 用would, 全句過去式
如果是時間表上必然發生. 現在式就可.
My flight takes off at 9:30am. (唔係My flight will take off at 9:30am)
l"d like 係 I would like (全寫)

比較正統的文章要全寫 I would like
I would like 用來回答, 問題有禮貌.

Would you like to have a cup of coffee? (Do you want to have a cup of coffee 無咁禮貌)

What are you planning for this afternoon? (I would like to go swimming.)
2008-07-16 6:01 am
will be=簡單將來式:會
l"d like=I would like我想,我喜歡,禮貌講法

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