
2008-07-05 2:47 am
As the programmer novice,i wish you can help me to solve the problem
For the above website,what software should i choose and how can i write the program so that it can update another website data??

回答 (1)

2008-07-05 7:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
The web site was created using active server page (asp). By viewing the source code, the 按此註冊 hyperlink links to registration.asp.

You may also use php or asp.net to create similar web sites. Such web sites require data to be stored in a database and server side programming.

Usually a web site can only update its own data. You cannot update another web site's data unless the other web site allows you to do so. To achieve this, the other web site must provide the web service and allows your program to call the web service. The updating is done by codes written by the other web site, not you. Your task is to call the web service the other web site provides. Calling a remote web service is like calling a function except that this function is located on the server of the other web site.

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