The first man on the moon

2008-07-01 4:15 am
Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
Neil Armatrong was the frist man who 1.___ on the moon and his name is now a household name.However,we know very little about him and he has not 2.___ on TV since 1999,which was the thirtieth 3.___ of the frist moon landing when he was 4.___ a medal.Though he 5.___ very nervous that day,he managed to give a short speech.In 6.___ speech,instead of saying something about the Apollo 11 mission,he talked about the Wright Brothers 7.___ were the frist people to fly an aeroplane in 1909.
Some of Neil Armstrong's friends have 8.___ him to be more open to the public,but Neil only 9.___ that he desires to have a quiet life and 10.___ on a farm with his family.He prefers not to talk to the press because he 11.___ to protect his private life and he know that once he 12.___ giving interviews,he will have no peace for rest of his life.

回答 (1)

2008-07-01 10:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. landed/walked
2. appeared
3. anniversary
4. awarded
5. looked/appeared
6. his
7. who
8. asked
9. answered/said
10. live
11. wants
12. begins

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