
2008-05-02 11:27 am


回答 (5)

2008-05-02 6:43 pm
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我唔鐘意煩人...亦都唔鐘意比人煩 - I hate to disturb others and I dislike being bothered.
開始緊新既生活..雖然好悶..但係我好享受 - A new way of living just started, it's boring but enjoyable.
唔想好似以前咁..日日都唔知自己想點..無目標 - I don't want to be like the old days, doing nothing each day without target.
依家日日都好忙..唔係返工放工就係返學放學 - Now that I am keeping busy everyday, either working or studying.
比以前忙左..自然壓力都大左.. - I am busier than before, naturally, feeling of presure is increased as well.
不過我會加油..唔會咁易放棄 - However, I will pump myself up and won't let go easily.
參考: Self
2008-05-02 6:34 pm

Neither do I like to bother anyone nor being bothered.
I am currently living a new life, though it is boring but I still enjoy it.
I am not eager to be lazy and without objective as in the past.
Now I am quite busy every day, either engaged in the job or studying.
Pressure is observed as I am more busy than before.
Nevertheless, I will keep going and never say surrender easily.

2008-05-02 2:55 pm
finalgod95 (002) 不知所謂,不懂英文就不應該教人。

2008-05-02 06:56:57 補充:
finalgod95 (002) 我好懐疑你有冇 brain
2008-05-02 12:22 pm
i dont like to disduping people...and dont want my self is more disduping than any one

starting a now life ... is bored...but i enjoy it

dont want to be the pass...dont know what i want to do...no challenge

now is bushing...go to work come back or go to school come back

geting much more busy...so much pressure

but i will do my best... no giving up
參考: my brain
2008-05-02 12:10 pm
I do not like to bother people, and neither do I like to be bothered

Now I am starting my new life, even though it is boring, I still enjoy a lot
I do not want to be the old me, no target nor expectation everyday
Now I am a much busier person, not even a gap between work and study
Being a busier person, naturally more pressure falls on me
But I will not bend so easily, I will keep up !
參考: Myself

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