
2008-04-23 9:59 am

回答 (4)

2008-04-29 10:53 am
It's me again. Soon is an adverb, not an adjective. There is no such word as Soonly, period, not because there is no point of having it.

It is not apparent to me that you speak good English as you mentioned you did in
2008-04-23 6:29 pm
There is no such word as soonly. Only soon or sooner, soon is an adjective to describe something about time , for example: We shall soon be home, or he will be here sooner than you expected.
參考: Oxford Advance dictionary
2008-04-23 10:03 am
There is no such word as soonly.
Soon is already an adverb to describe the verb, and "ly" usually is added onto a verb to make it an adverb.
參考: Myself
2008-04-23 10:02 am
Soon is already a adj and if there is soonly is will be also a adj so what is the point of having it??
參考: ME

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