
2008-04-23 7:24 am

1. 我e世人最憎 xxx
2. 你都係?咁岩既,我都係!
3. 我要早點訓 否則明天遲到
4. 遲到我都唔想,因為塞車
5. 他不小心被d熱水綠到隻手
6. 好炆呀!佢撞到我sorry都不說
7. 佢話打俾我都無打到o黎
8. 來回a和b要2小時
9. 我諗極都諗不到這題數點做
10. 我教了鬧鐘明白八時起身

回答 (4)

2008-04-23 1:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The person/thing I hate most is xxx.

Without reference to the context, it is hard to translate properly. My best shot is as follows:

You do? What a coincidence, me too!
(coincidence = 巧合)

I had better go to bed early or I will be late tomorrow.

這句很中文,冇禮貌,照釋就不是英文了。 冇人想遲到,講都多餘。

The traffic jam had made me late.

I did not want to be late but for the trafic jam.

He carelessly scalded his hand with hot water.
(scald = burn with hot liquid or steam)

I am really mad. How could he not even say sorry after bumping into me.

He said he would call but he didn't in the end.

It takes two hours for a round trip from a to b.
It takes two hours to go from a to b and back.

I scratched my brain and yet I could not come up with a solution to this question.
(scratch my brain = 絞盡腦汁)

I have set the alarm clock to ring at 8 o'clock.
(校了 = present perfect tense.)
2008-04-24 12:14 am
1/ I hate the most is xxx
2/ what a coincidence, me too!
3/ I have to sleep early to prevent from getting late tomorrow.
4/ I don't want to be lated, just because traffic congested.
5/ his hand was burnt by boiled water carelessly.
6/ I'm so angry that he bumped me hard & without saying sorry.
7/ he didn't give me a call as promised.
8/ it takes 2 hours back and forth zone A and B.
9/ I just can't answer the question correctly with all my might.
10/ I've set the alarm clock at 8.00am tomorrow (不必再說morning)
參考: Self
2008-04-23 11:26 pm
1. The thing I hate most in this world is xxx.

2. You too? Such a coincidence! Me too!

3. I need to go to bed early, or else i would be late tomorrow.

4. It was the traffic that made me late or else i wouldn't want to.

5. He got his hand boiled by the hot water accidentally.

6. I'm getting mad now! He didn't even apologise for bumping into me!

7. He promised to ring back, but turn out that he didn't.

8. Return from A to B need two hours of journey.

9. No matter how hard I think, I still couldn't solve this question.

10. I set the alarm at 8am tomorrow.
2008-04-23 9:37 am
1. The worst I hate in life is XXX
2. So are you ? It's fantastic, because me too......
3. I gotta go sleeping early, or else I'll be late tomorrow
4. I really didn't want to be late, it was those traffic jam that makes me late.
5. He burnt his hand with hot water by accident.
6. I am really mad ! How could he does not even say sorry after bumping to me !
7. He said he would call, but he didn't finally.
8. It takes two hours to go back and forth.
9. I tried my best yet I still cannot find the answer to this question.
10. I put the alarm clock for 8 o'clock tomorrow morning.
參考: Myself

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