02 Econ LQ Q.11 GDP

2008-03-28 3:36 am
11. (a) The following shows the gross domestic product (GDP) data of economy A
in a certain year.
Private consumption expenditure 400
Net investment expenditure 180
Government consumption expenditure 250
Exports 500
Imports 650
Depreciation 150
Indirect business tax 50
Interest 200
(i) Calculate the GDP at market price of economy A. (3 marks)

答案冇加到 indirect business tax & interest, 點解? 乜GDP at market price唔係計埋哩兩樣架咩? 定係已經include左o係上面既某一part?

回答 (1)

2008-03-28 12:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
GDP = C + (Gross) I + G + X - M
GDP = C + (Net) I + G + X - M + depreciation
NDP = C+ (Gross) I + G + X - M - depreciation
indirect business tax 已經包括在 C, I, G, X裏面,所以 GDP at market price不用再加 indirect tax。
相反 GDP at factor cost 就要從 GDP 減去 indirect business tax:
GDP at factor cost = GDP - indirect tax

Interest 是一種收入,上面的計法是支出計法 Expenditure approach,利息收入不計算在內。用收入法 Income approach 才要包括 interest。

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