
2008-01-20 4:57 am
tender:inviting written prices to supply a particular item or set of items over a long period. this is often used by local authorities who need to be seen to be fair and open-handed in their dealings. all the tenders received are opened on the same day and the lowest tender is given the order.

回答 (2)

2008-01-21 4:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.Tender is a written statement of suppying goods or services at a specified price within a period of time.
2. This is often a fair and opening way of local authories' dealing with its projects.
3. All the tenders must be opened to the public at a specfied date and the lowest one may get the bid.

Hope this helps!

2008-01-20 22:24:41 補充:
Correction :1st sentence : Tender is a written statement of -------- Tender is an offer ( 邀約 ) of -----
2008-01-20 5:15 pm

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