
2008-01-20 4:56 am
Methods of purchasing
contract:signing an agreement to buy from a particular supplier for a set period of time.care needs to be taken with a contract as once it is signed the buyer has usually made a long-term commmitment to purchase feom a particular firm

回答 (2)

2008-01-22 8:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
purchase 本身巳是名詞不用改做 purchasing。

Method of purchase :

When purchasing goods (or services) from any supplier,
the buyer needs to sign a contract with the seller.
Care needs to be taken when the contract provides for a long
term commitment to purchase goods .

參考: I ask an English friend.
2008-01-21 5:50 am
1. You are required to sign a contract or an agreement when purchasing goods (or services) from any suppliers.
2. Notice that once the buyer has signed a contract with the seller, it shall be the commitment(obligation) of the buyer to purchase from the seller.
2. Notice that the buyer who has signed a contract with the seller shall be the commitment of herself to purchase from the seller.

Hope this helps!

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