
2008-01-08 2:31 am
their mother threatened to sell the TV set if they kept quarrelling about the programmer
he promised to wail for me
she apologized for being late and explained that the bus had broken down
he exclaimed with disgust that there was a slug in his lettuce and called for the waiter

回答 (2)

2008-01-08 5:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
Correction of typing mistakes : (1) programmer-----> programme; (2) wail------>wait
1. Their mother threatened to sell the TV set if they kept quarrelling about the programme.
他們的母親出言威脅,他們如果一直為電視節目爭吵, 就會賣掉該電視機 .
2. He promised to wait for me.
他答應/應承會等候我 .
3. She apologized for being late and explained that the bus had broken down.
4. He exclaimed with disguest that there was a slug in his lettuce, and called for the waiter.
他厭惡地驚呼, 苣蒿/生菜裹有一隻蛞蝓, 同時召喚侍應生/服務員前來.

Hope this helps!
2008-01-08 6:59 pm
參考: 我

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