
2007-12-31 6:06 pm

回答 (6)

2008-01-01 1:09 am
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以下為人手譯的, 希望能幫上忙!
Brief introduction about this book:
Eyes,the windows of knowing about the world, function as signal receivers and senders , which can continuously map information into our brains. This book enables readers to know how eyes work and goes further studies about the influence on our under-standing or horizons of the world.
The archaeologists from the world conduct excavations in the jungles, deserts and sea bottoms , even deepening into the earth's surfaces . These excavations reveal the history secrets burried in the earth. This book also brings readers to see what happened at the archaeological sites and so far what findings of the oldest human footprints are found.

2007-12-31 6:44 pm
The content of this briefing
We understand that the eyes are the windows of the world. Them as information gathering, let us continuous access to information the brain. Book for readers to understand how the eyes work, we understand the impact of the world have explored Perspective Archaeologists around the world in deserts, jungles and seabed mining, following their depth to the surface, and open a secret buried by history. Readers of this book will lead to the archaeological sites to see what is happening there for all to understand that the most so far oldest human footprints.
2007-12-31 6:38 pm
Eyes is we understand world of window.They are like an information collector, letting our brains acquire an information in a row and constantly.This book lets the reader understand eyes is how work, to influenced the angle of view that we comprehend world to carry on quest

The archeologist of the whole world carries on excavation in the desert, bush and bottom of sea, they go deep into earth's surface the following, uncovering is buried by the history of secret.This book will lead a reader to cist on the scene see there everything taken place, understand to find up to the present of the most ancient mankind's footprint
2007-12-31 6:23 pm
The eye is we understands the world the window . They like the information collector, continuously unceasingly lets our cerebrum obtain the information This book lets the reader understand how the eye is works, to affects us to understand the world the angle of view has carried on the exploration.

The world each place archaeologist in the desert, the jungle as well as the seabed carries on the excavation, they penetrate into the surface below, opens secret which is buried by the history This book will lead the reader all which will have a look that to the archaeology scene to occur, understood up to now discovered most ancient human footprint.
參考: me
2007-12-31 6:18 pm
This book brief introduction

Eyes are that we understand the window of the world. They just like the information collector , let our brain obtain information successively. This book let readers understand how eyes work, understood the visual angle of the world has been explored in influencing us

The archaeologists from all parts of the world excavate in the jungle and sea floor in the desert, they get deeply to the earth's surface, reveal the secret buried by history. Book this lead reader get archaeological studies go where does it see everything that place take place live, understand the oldest human footprint found so far
參考: me
2007-12-31 6:13 pm
The eye is we understands the world the window . They like the information collector, continuously unceasingly lets our cerebrum obtain the information This book lets the reader understand how the eye is works, to affects us to understand the world the angle of view has carried on the exploration.

The world each place archaeologist in the desert, the jungle as well as the seabed carries on the excavation, they penetrate into the surface below, opens secret which is buried by the history This book will lead the reader all which will have a look that to the archaeology scene to occur, understood up to now discovered most ancient human footprint.



收錄日期: 2021-04-13 14:50:26
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