What will Christmas be like 100 years from now?

2007-11-19 10:50 pm

回答 (20)

2007-11-19 10:59 pm
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Sadly, it probably won't be a Holiday Great question.
2007-11-20 6:58 am
Banned due to not wanting to offend ANYONE!!!!!!!
2007-11-20 6:53 am
sad and lonely cause i wont be with my kids
2007-11-20 6:58 am
How should I know how Christmas will be in a 100 years from now.
I'm Jewish!
2007-11-20 6:58 am
The way the world is going, i wonder if there will be a world in 100 years time.
2007-11-20 7:48 am
Will there be such a thing? will we be allowed to celebrate it as we know it now?

Somehow the way this country is going I doubt it
2007-11-20 7:38 am
Wish I could be there to see.
2007-11-20 7:32 am
all the family meet, swap a bunch of money and then have a fight about the turkey, then go home and fight at home about the fight they had
2007-11-20 7:00 am
i dont kno im not gonna bee here in 100 yearss lol
2007-11-20 6:58 am
even more expensive then ever, so i am glad i will be gone
2007-11-20 7:02 am
Humans buying hover cars and destroying our environment?

Robots that do kid's homework instead of home-made gifts?

A pile of metal instead of a Christmas tree?

The true meaning of Christmas will be lost?

Less love and family -- more family?

Well... those are my assumptions. Good question though. It'll deffinatly not be the same... but how would I know? I'll be 113 by then, so I'll be too old to remember. ;)
2007-11-20 6:02 pm
i dont want to think about it as i wont be here =((
2007-11-20 4:44 pm
It will be TOTALLY taken over by the big companies who want to force expense down our throats.
2007-11-20 7:56 am
hopefully more kind
2007-11-20 7:51 am
haven't got a clue ,will let you know ,i plan on going nowhere soon lol
2007-11-20 7:33 am
We'll still be spending all sorts of funny money on stuff that nobody really wants!! Far too commercialised anyway.
2007-11-20 7:15 am
100 times more commercialized. and horrible. the true meaning will have been totally lost.
2007-11-20 7:10 am
Evermore OVER-commercialised
2007-11-20 6:52 am
Just as commercialised as ever. Cashmas.
2007-11-20 6:57 am
there wont be one - Christians will either be dead or converted to Islam out of fear for their lives.

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