"finger crossed" 是什麼意思?

2007-11-15 8:11 am

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2007-11-15 8:24 am
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2007-11-15 6:51 pm
"finger crossed" 是什麼意思?
In the old time, finger cross is a symbol to wish for miracle, something not realistic, such as, god, make me be the King of this country.
But today, this means good luck, such as your kid(s) going for a ball game, you do that to wish him/her to win. (It is easier to come true.)
2007-11-15 8:37 am
Keep your fingers crossed. The meaning is a wish for good luck. It is just pure superstition to hope that crossing the fingers will bring good luck. Today, the usage is more casual and the phrase simply means "hope that things will come out alright". There may not be any superstitious or religious implications.

A widely accepted theory of the origin of crossing fingers is that the sign represents the cross, the divine symbol of Christianity. Other theories dated the origin before Christianity.
2007-11-15 8:23 am
to wish for luck

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