F.4 econ mc

2007-11-08 5:24 am
June said,'I love eating chciken. Although the price of chicken has increased by 20%, I'll buy as amny chickens as before.' June's demand for chicken is

A) perfectly inelastic

B) inelastic

C) unitarily elastic

D) elastic

回答 (2)

2007-11-08 8:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
Answer is A

Demand is perfectly inelastic for that price range, that is, from the original price to the price that is 20% higher.

It is important to know that along a demand curve, elasticity is different at different price, except for the case of unitary elasticity. It is wrong to say demand is elastic or inelastic. It is only correct to say that demand is elastic/inelastic at a certain price.
2007-11-08 6:32 am
Ans: B
June buys the same quantity of chicken even though its price has increased by 20%.
In other words, her demand for chicken is inelastic. Price increased 20%, but her demand is NOT affected. There is no reduction in her demand.

June is NOT saying she will buy the same quantity of chicken if its price increases 1000%. Therefore, it is not A(perfectly inelastic).

For elastic, it means a small change in price affects a lot of quantity demanded. In this situation, we say elastic when a buyer's quantity demanded will DECREASE a lot (eg. 40% decrease) if the chicken price increases by 20%.

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