經濟問題 10分 好急

2007-10-22 4:43 pm
please explain the following observations by deamd and supply analysis
1.係樓市高企係時間 仲有好多人買
2.diamond ring 大平賣100一隻 無人買
我要寫400字 我明大約點寫但我想羅足d point..

最好有圖表 luclk@hotmail.com

回答 (1)

2007-10-22 5:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Stocks are not consumption goods. The piece of paper or electronic data is worth nothing. Real estates are also a form of capital although it can be enjoyed at the same time. The demand (not price related quantity demanded) of capital goods is determined by their future income generating power. It is the expectation of their high returns in the future that urges poeple to buy them even at high price. The expectation is the factor behind the increase in demand.

That said, even capital goods follow the law of demand. The selling price of stocks is not the price of stocks. The price of stocks or investment is measured by the interest rates. When interest rate increases, the quantity of stocks purchased will decrease, a confirmation of the law of demand.

2. It is a matter of knowledge and expectation. Few people can tell if a diamond is real or faked by inpecting with naked eyes. Without that knowledge, people will rely on their common sense or expectation. Common sense tells them that there is 99.9999% that the diamond is faked and therefore they will not buy at even at a very low price. When a diamond expert buys it and spreads the news that the diamonds the hawking selling are real, all the diamonds will be sold immediately. In this case, there is no violation of the law of demand.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 20:34:52
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