HTML script問題

2007-10-09 6:36 pm
本人是year1大專生,正在用XHTML製作一個簡單的網頁。網頁雖然寫成,但我在檢查時卻發現有大量error,指HTML script內容格式不符合xhtml規範(但在IE上看是看到網頁內容的...)。小弟一頭無緒,由於要交html script的hard copy,希望各位有識之士可以用少少時間幫我debug一下,感激萬分!!!(附上網址以方便大家,謝!)

回答 (2)

2007-10-09 11:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
<font color="blue" size=4>Any other comments for the subject:<font>
in xhtml, attribute values must be quoted, size="4"

Leave a space between br and /, <br />

I don't think you need
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
or the validator will validate your page as an xml file.

2007-10-09 15:24:48 補充:
name attribute must be replaced by id attribute. To work with post method, use both id and name attributes but the value must be identical.
2007-10-09 7:07 pm
Your web page was written by html instead of xhtml format.
At least, there is open and close tag of script as xml or dtd required.
Therefore, w3c will show a lot of error, because it is not their format.
Please re-write the web in xml format.

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