Router 壽命

2007-10-08 6:04 am
Windows XP Professional + Netvigator Broadband+D-Link DI-624

本人之D-Link DI-624 已用三年多,近日開機上網常有上不到網或中途斷線情況,將D-Link DI-624電源拔掉後數十秒後再插上便可上網。
1.D-Link DI-624 用舊了?或
2. 主機的Explorer 出事?或
3.Netvigator Broadband 那件可看電視的解碼器影響Router認機?[但初期沒有此情況。]
4. 其他可能原因如MSN。
請有經驗者指教! 及告知
5. Router 的一般壽命年期。
6. 不上網時Router電源是關上好或長開好。

回答 (1)

2007-10-08 10:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I have jsut replaced my D-Link DI-624 with a new router after using it for about 3 years. I had the same experience as you did. All the LAN lights were on. I powered off the router and powered it up again. Then the router worked again. But this problem became more frequent and I decided to buy a new router.

It is the router problem, nothing to do with the computer or TV box.

Usually a router lasts up to 5 years. I believe there is a technical flaw with DI-624, or some cheap chips were used.

You can leave the router powered up all the time. I believe most people do so.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 13:48:40
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