
2007-10-06 8:20 am
1)the cigarette market has the following supply and demand curve:

demand curve:P=20-Q
supply curve:P=5+0.5Q

a)Calculate the equilbrium quantity and price
b)Draw the curves on a diagram and indicate the equilibrium.Label the axes
c)If a sales tax of $3 per unit is imposed on the cigarette,find the new market equilibrium
quantity and price

d)Draw a diagram to indicate the old and new equilibrium and the tax collected e)Who,the consumer or the producer, has a higher tax burden? f)Does the demand have a higher elasticity than the supply?Explain

回答 (1)

2007-10-06 8:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
demand curve:P=20-Q
supply curve:P=5+0.5Q

20 - Q = 5 + 0.5 Q
1.5Q = 15
Q = 10
P = 10

Twp points on the diagram: (P, Q) {(0, 20), (20, 0)}
Two points on the diagram (P, Q) {(0, -10), (5, 0)}

demand curve: P=20-Q
supply curve: P=8+0.5Q because $3 are added
20 - Q = 8 + 0.5Q
1.5Q = 12
Q = 8
P = 12

Demand unchanged
Supply; slope unchanged, P-axis shifted up $3
Two points on the diagram (P, Q) {(0, -16), (8, 0)}

Consumers pay $2 of tax, suppliers pay $1.

Actually, you cannot tell.
But for exam purpose, answer NO. Supply has a higher elasticity than demand.

2007-10-06 00:58:18 補充:
Elasticity is a BIG nonsense in most secondary textbooks, understood incorrectly by some economic teachers.

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