識用 VB.NET 請進。

2007-10-04 9:11 pm
1. http://hk.geocities.com/jason10312008/Lab4_7.doc

2. http://hk.geocities.com/jason10312008/Lab4_8.doc

因為是計分的, @.@
謝謝幫忙 ^_^

回答 (1)

2007-10-05 9:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
The exercises are almost the same as your other post

1. Use TryParse() method to validate input. There is a TryParse() for each numeric data type.
2. Do your calculation. I think they are quite simple. If you are not sure, consult your math teacher.
3. Round up the decimal places with Decimal.Round() method.
4. Test the program. If the result is correct, you are there.

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