關於 visual C,甚麼是 MFC和ALT ?

2007-10-03 9:33 pm
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 不是免費軟件,可是Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Express 就是一個免費軟件。你只要去Microsoft 網站下載就可以(玩VB 就download VB,玩C就download VC)。不過免費的會有很多東西沒有,如VC 便沒有 MFC和ALT。

回答 (1)

2007-10-04 8:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
MFC is short for Microsoft Fundation Class. MFC is a library that put many of the Windows API in C++ classes so that programmers can perform a lot of operations by calling the MFC. MFC handles almost all computer functions, e.g., disk IO, network access, data, drawing and image, and low level operation such as device and memory management.

VB.net and Microsoft C# work closely with the .NET framework which has almost everything for most programming needs. Microsoft is shifting its emphasis from MFC to .NET framework.

I have not heard of ALT.

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