
2007-09-30 4:34 pm

回答 (2)

2007-10-05 1:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Ask your mon why she pays your school fees, books, compters, etc. and not spends it on travelling, beautiful closthes, etc.

I believe she wants you to be educated, and ends up being a "better" person. The opportunity cost of your education is things that could have been bought with the money, and the opportunity cost of spending the same money on travelling, eating, etc. is that you will become less marketable in the competitive job market.

Therefore you mon chooses to pay for your education because the cost of you being uneducated is bigger than the joy that travelling, eating, clothes bring.

This is the use of opportunity cost in everyday life. You apply it without knowing it.

2007-10-05 05:46:33 補充:
You hurt your mom too by calling yourself 閹人
2007-10-04 3:26 am
參考: me

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