notebook 上唔到網

2007-09-27 7:27 pm
我在屋用企router, 一陪機上到網,另一陪有i.p address 但上唔到網.

我之兩部notebook 同時上網都得,但用左部new notebook 就一部得,一部唔得

回答 (2)

2007-09-27 7:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案

1. 電腦和路由器是否連上: 試從瀏覽器登入路由器,鍵入 (確實IP參考路由器手冊或 pdf eBook),如果不能打開路由器網頁,到開始 -> 執行 ->鍵入 cmd,在Command Prompt鍵入 ipconfig/release,跟著再鍵入 ipconfig/renew,再試登入路由器.如果仍然不能登入路由器,加密的key正確或沒有加密,便可能是網絡card或路由器硬件的問題.

2. 電腦和路由器已經連上,仍不能上網,就是路由器設定不正確.有情況是一部電腦可以上網,另一部電腦上不到,原因是寬頻供應商只容許一個account上網,如果設定不正確,例如行netvigator選了Dynamic IP,不選PPPoE,連線時在電腦仍要輸入id和passwod,這就等如沒有用路由器一樣,另一部電腦便不能上網.

連線方法跟網絡供應商有關,用電視線(coaxial cable)上網(有線寬頻)加cable modem,選Dynamic IP.

用電話線上網(PCCW,和記)加DSL modem,選PPPoE,輸入id和passwod.

2007-09-30 10:26 am
Most likely your IP provided by the ISP got expired, and for some reasons the router did not renew it by itself. If you have done what garlic suggested, try this:

Try the following steps:
1. turn off the router first.
2. wait for 5 seconds, then turn off your modem.
3, wait for another 5 seconds and turn your modem back on
4, wait for all solid green lights on the modem, then turn on your router.
Check both notebooks to see if internet is now connected.

If that does not work, try renew IP manually. Here is how:
Start - Run - type cmd, hit enter. On command prompt, type ipconfig/release, hit enter; then type ipconfig/renew, hit enter. See if that works.


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