How to use "get" and "set" in c#?

2007-09-10 6:55 am
How to use "get" and "set" in c#?

回答 (1)

2007-09-10 5:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
get and set are used to let the property of a class to be read and changed. If you want the property to be readable, use get. If you also want the property to be editable, use set.
public class Creature
private int limbs;
public Creature()
// constructor
public int Legs // Legs is the public property of Creature
// allow legs to be read
return limbs;
// allow legs to be changed
limbs = value;
// codes in the program
Creature dog = new Creature(); // create a new Creature
dog.Legs = 4; // call set
int x = dog.Legs; // call get
If the property is read-only, do not write the set part in the class.

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