無線上綱 點樣啟用安全性無線綱絡

2007-09-07 5:50 am
我裝左無線上綱 但顯示無安全性綱絡
點樣啟用安全性無線綱絡 唔應幫幫忙 thank you~

回答 (2)

2007-09-09 11:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
Network name (SSID): 自己決定
Encryption 加密規則: WEP 或 WPA(如有), WPA比WEP安全但復雜,建議用 WEP
Network Authentication: 一般用 Shared
鑰匙( 密碼)類型: Hex 或 Ascii,一般用 Hex
密碼: 64 bit(10位) 或 128 bit(26位) 十六進制數字, 0 - 9, A - F
Key index: 如有, 選第一個
選擇 WPA-Personal Security 或 WPA2-Personal Security.
Cipher Mode: TKIP, AES, 或 Auto(自動)
鍵入Passphrase, 再確認Passphrase
在電腦的 wireless network connection properties 輸入相同資料
設定完成後其他人不能接上你的 路由器,因為你的電腦已經輸入鑰匙,開機便會自動接上 路由器.

Question to twox_man:
Just out of curiosity, are you living in N.America?

2007-09-10 09:04:25 補充:
Thanks, twox_man.
2007-09-07 7:12 am
If wireless connection is provided from your own router, then you need to login into your router to enable either WEP or WPA encryption (note: WPA is better). Also, MAC filtering is another tool to provide better security for your network.

WPA - Wi-Fi Protected Access
MAC filtering - MAC addresses are uniquely assigned to each card, so using MAC filtering on a network permits and denies network access to specific devices.

Login to your router by (refer to your manual for the correct IP), then click on wireless setting to enable WPA access and MAC filtering.

You can also run the wireless network wizard from your laptop or desktop to match the same setting from the router.

Hope this helps

2007-09-10 02:00:09 補充:
Answer to garlic2010: Yes... somewhere in N.America
參考: IP knowledge; http://en.wikipedia.org

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