913天與時並進:LOUD AND CLEAR標題怎譯?及聞中問字解

2007-07-07 11:06 pm
We start tonight with Hong Kong celebrating the 10th anniversary of its return to China. There were grand 盛大的 celebrations 慶祝 and solemn 隆重的 ceremonies 儀式 to mark 引證 the event 事件,

and one of them was the swearing-in (swearing-in 怎解?) of Chief Executive Donald Tsang and his new cabinet (cabient 怎解?). President Hu Jintao took (took 怎解?) the opportunity 機會 to warn 警告 against 反對 any attempt 嘗試


to challenge 挑戰 Beijing’s authority 當局 when it comes (comes 怎解?) to democratic reform 民主改格,saying democracy 民主正體 should 應該 grow 成長 in a gradual way 漸進


and there can be no “one-country, two-systems” policy without (without 沒有 再加前面一個 no 沒,負負得正,即意"必須"?) recognizing 確認 that “one country” comes first. The above English was written from ATV Main News at 19:30. You may revise it if you like. Thanks

回答 (1)

2007-07-08 12:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
loud and clear 即係又大聲又清楚,可以譯為明確清晰
swearing-in 即就職宣誓
take an opportunity: 趁機會
cabinet: 屋企o既櫃,政治o既內閣(香港o既行政會議)
when it comes to X: 講到X呢方面
no X without Y 你解得o岩啦,負負得正。如 no pain, no gain 可以寫成 no gain without pain ,意思都係有代價

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