906天與時並進:SENTENCED TO DEATH 標題怎譯?及聞中問字解?

2007-06-27 6:17 pm
We start tonight in Iraq 伊拉克 where the cousin 姪兒 of the late leader Saddam Hussein dubbed (dubbed 怎解?) "Chemical Ali" has been sentenced 判決 to death by hanging for his alleged (alleged 怎解?) decision 主意 to use chemical weapons against the Kurds 庫德人 in the 1980s.

Ali Hassan al-Majid was one of six men convicted 定罪 and sentenced for their roles 角色 in a campaign Saddam ordered to crush 壓倒 a Kurdish insurgency 謀叛. Two others were also sentenced to death,


and lawyers 律師 and human rights groups 人權組織 have criticised the trial 審判 as another example of shoddy (shoddy 怎解?) legal procedures during the prosecution 起訴 of Saddam and his henchmen (henchmen 怎解?).


The above English was written from ATV Main News at 19:30. You may revise it if you like. Thanks

回答 (2)

2007-06-27 7:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
sentenced to death 被判死刑
dubbed "Chemical Ali" 即係被改左一個綽號,一字多義,唔好求其揀一個當係
alleged decision 呢度唔係講可疑,係指個決定係人地聲稱由佢作出o既決定
shoddy 係差劣的
henchman 好似跟班咁,亦可指同黨
2007-06-27 6:31 pm
Sentence to Death :
We start tonight in Iraq 伊拉克 where the cousin 姪兒 of the late leader Saddam Hussein dubbed (被封為爵士) "Chemical Ali" has been sentenced 判決 to death by hanging for his alleged ( 可疑的)decision 主意 to use chemical weapons against the Kurds 庫德人 in the 1980s.

and lawyers 律師 and human rights groups 人權組織 have criticised the trial 審判 as another example of shoddy (劣等的) legal procedures during the prosecution 起訴 of Saddam and his henchmen (忠實的追隨者).

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