894天與時並進:FALLOUT 標題怎譯?及聞中問字解?

2007-06-16 5:08 pm
The cable car system on Lantau Island will be closed for at least a month after a gondola (gondola 怎解?) plunged to (plunged to 怎解?) the ground last night, triggering 激發起serious concerns about safety. While the operator is struggling 奮斗的to find out what went wrong 出錯,

回答 (1)

2007-06-16 7:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Fallout 作為標題,可作吊車墜下。可理解為 a gondola fell out of the cable car system。
Plunged to 指猛力撞向
Struggling 翻成努力不懈或艱苦地努力較好
Probe 解深入及徹底調查/研究
Incompetent 翻成不能勝任較好,嚴厲喲,可翻成無能
Critics 指批評者
Fiasco 指徹底失誤

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