participle phrase 和 gerund phrase 的分別?

2007-06-12 5:15 am
講構造,同是V + ing ,同是可後加 object!
relaxing garden 是 p.p. or g.p.?
exciting game 是 p.p. or g.p.?
typing pool 是p.p. or g.p.?
washing machine 是 p.p. or g.p.?
rolling stone 是 p.p. or g.p.?

回答 (2)

2007-06-13 12:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
  如:a smoking room= a room for smoking
    a sleeping car = a car for sleeping
    a walking stick= a stick for walkikng
  不過在這些情況,動名詞與名詞之間常用hyphen連接著,如:a smoking-room(但不是絕對)
  如:a sleeping child= a child who is sleeping
    a walking dictionary= a dictionary that walks(一本活字典)
但有時現在分詞和動名詞必須由前後的關係判斷,如:a dancing girl若作「正在跳舞的女孩」解釋時,dancing是現在分詞。但若作「舞女」解釋,dancing則為動名詞。
relaxing garden= a garden for relaxing(g.p.)
exciting game = a game that is exciting(P.P.)
typing pool聯合打字組,typing是指出他們的工作,所以是(g.p.)
washing machine =machine for washing(g.p.)
rolling stone= a stone that is rolling(P.P)

2007-06-12 17:07:06 補充:
pp可用作形容詞,副詞;也如形容詞一般可作名詞,如:the living=living men. The unknown has a mysterious attraction.作副詞,如:piercing cold等等,但pp最特別的地方,就是它可以成為分詞構句,如:Desiring to rest, I lay down on the grass.There being no taxi, we had to walk.

2007-06-12 17:13:43 補充:
動名詞的主要作用是作名詞用,但它若加上介詞,就可以形容副詞片語或形容詞片語。如:He spends his spare time (in reading)
2007-06-12 6:51 am
全部都唔係 gerund phrase。
gerund phrase 係用 verb + ing 變成名詞,以表達一個複雜o既意思,如:
Waiting here for her is the last thing I would do.
waiting here for her 就係 gerund phrase,用o黎做 subject 或 object。
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participle phrase 可以係 present participle (+ing) 或 past participle(過去分詞),作 adj 用,如:
Running at his top speed, he tried to catch the thief.
Scared by the accident, she could not stop crying.
兩個 phrases 都係形容 subjects he 同 she。
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而你舉o既例全部都係 v+ing 而只作形容詞用,有冇留意到?如:
a hidden treasure, a killed man, a dying fish, a falling rock

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