可否幫我執grammer mistake,thx

2007-06-06 5:45 pm
It is the real that the customers always think that the quality of a product which produces by Chinese company will not as qualities as produce by foreign companies, therefore, the customers rather to buy the foreign product in higher price than buying the Huawei’s one. Therefore, if Huawei want to expand or reinforce the market share, they had develop their competitive advantage—Quality services.

回答 (1)

2007-06-06 6:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It is the true that the customers always think that the quality of the products produced by Chinese company will not as good as those produced by foreign companies. Therefore, customers rather buy foreign products in higher prices than buying the Huawei’s one. So, if Huawei want to expand or increase the market share, they have to develop their competitive advantage—Quality service.
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你往往錯用了articles, 即 a,an,the. 有時無需用的地方也用了.

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