
2007-06-02 3:42 pm
以 數學學會主席 名義 邀請 中文大學數學系 xxx教授 來校演講 yyy

As a chairman of Math Club, I invited Professor xxx from the Mathematics Department of Chinese University of Hong Kong, to deliver a speech on yyy

注意1.用past tense,因為件事過左幾年
3.我唔係要上台介紹佢出場,所以唔好寫咩i would like to invite , we are pleased to invite

回答 (6)

2007-06-02 5:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
見你問咗幾次啦, 你信我啦! 你用as a chairman of math club, 意思係"身為數學會主席", 同你想講既意思唔同, 例如:

As a student, I have to study hard to get high marks.
身為一個學生, 我必須用功讀書以考得好成績.

而你係想話你做緊數學會主席既時候, 你邀請過中文大學數學系xxx教授去你學校演講yyytopic. 係咪? 如果係我呢, 我就會寫到明係成功邀請, 淨係用邀請過的話, 你冇話俾人知究竟係咪真係邀請到. 所以, 我會用呢句英文去講:

When I was the Chairman of Math Club, I had successfully invited Professor XXX from the Department of Mathematics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong to give a lecture on YYY (topics) in ZZZ school.


1. 數學系英文應該係Department of Mathematics, 而唔係Mathematics Department. 唔信的話你可以去中大個網度睇吓, 而我自己以前係讀港大數學系, 英文寫呢一樣要
Department of Mathematics, The University of Hong Kong
你要講任何大學某個學系的話, 就要先將學系行頭, 大學名行尾.

2. 通常學術演講都會用lecture, 然後加 on 某topic, 例如: lecture on geometry幾何學演講, lecture on relativity theory相對論演講


2007-06-02 09:58:41 補充:
3. 我諗當時只係得你一個數學會主席啦, 係的話就寫明the chairman of math club, 如果你用"a", 即係話唔止一個了4. when i was the chairman of math club: 當我做緊數學會主席時5. 你其他網問緊要用on behalf of, 如果你用咗的話, 意思就變咗你唔係數學會主席, 只係以佢既名義去點點點
2007-06-06 8:08 am
I , being the chairperson of Maths Club, had the honour to invite Professor XXX from the Department of Maths , the Chinese Unversity of Hong Kong to deliver a speech on yyy( topic) in (e.g. 2004) .
2007-06-03 9:11 am
When I was the Chairperson of Math Club, Professor XXX from XXXX was invited to deliver a speech on XXXX .

可否使用passive voice 以避免提及由誰邀請?
2007-06-02 5:07 pm
I invited Professor Lee Hin Fung from the Chinese University of Hong Kong

department of mathematics to present a speech on yyy, when i was the chairman of

math club.
參考: 自己
2007-06-02 3:58 pm
參考: me
2007-06-02 3:55 pm
聽落去怪怪地 係xanga紀錄尼件事咋 ...

I invited Professor xxx from the Chinese University of Hong Kong department of mathematics to present a speech on yyy, when i was the chairman of math club.

你睇睇順不順 通常介紹 from 邊道 邊道 既 邊個 邊個 not the other way around...if you really want to do it in proper way......... good luck la

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