880天與時並進:HARSH PUNISHMENT 標題怎譯?及聞中問字解?

2007-06-02 2:31 am
The former top official in charge of food 食品 and drug 藥品 safety 安全 in China has been sentenced 判決 to death 死法 on corruption 貪污 charges (charges 怎解?) for taking bribes 賄絡 in return for (in return for 怎解?) approving 批准 sub-standard 次級 medicines 藥物.

The harsh 嚴厲 punishment 處罰 for Zheng Xiaoyu comes as Beijing is taking steps (taking steps 怎解? doing steps?take 解拿,很難解成做!) to deal with 處理 a series of domestic 國內 and overseas 國外scandals 醜聞 involving unsafe Chinese food products 產品.


The above English was written from ATV Main News at 19:30. You may revise it if you like. Thanks

回答 (2)

2007-06-03 11:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
charges 檢控(罪名)
in return 回報,在此指受賄的利益
taking steps 處理中

The former top official in charge of food and drug safety in China has been sentenced to death on corruption charges for taking bribes in return for approving sub-standard medicines.

The harsh punishment for Zheng Xiaoyu comes as Beijing is taking steps to deal with a series of domestic and overseas candals involving unsafe Chinese food products.
牽涉一系列國內和海外的不安全食物醜聞,北京正對 Zheng Xiaoyu 採取嚴厲處分。

2007-06-05 12:08:30 補充:
中國前任〔國家藥品監督局〕(簡稱藥監局)局長因收受賄賂換取審批次標準藥物被判處死刑。 taking steps 處理中 = in processing

2007-06-08 14:32:25 補充:
You're Welcome.
2007-06-02 5:42 pm
The former top official in charge of food 食品 and drug 藥品 safety 安全 in China has been sentenced 判決 to death 死法 on corruption 貪污 charges (charges 怎解?) for taking bribes 賄絡 in return for (in return for 怎解?) approving 批准 sub-standard 次級 medicines 藥物.
The harsh 嚴厲 punishment 處罰 for Zheng Xiaoyu comes as Beijing is taking steps (taking steps 怎解? doing steps?take 解拿,很難解成做!) to deal with 處理 a series of domestic 國內 and overseas 國外scandals 醜聞 involving unsafe Chinese food products 產品.

The above English was written from ATV Main News at 19:30.
You may revise it if you like. Thanks


The former top official in charge of food and drug safety in China has been sentenced to death on corruption charges for taking bribes in return for approving sub-standard medicines .

The harsh punishment for Zheng Xiaoyu comes as Beijing is taking steps to deal with a series of domestic and overseas scandals involving unsafe Chinese food products .

The above English was written from ATV Main News at 19:30.
You may revise it if you like. Thanks



對鄭的苛刻的處罰Xiaoyu 來當北京採取步驟對成交以一系列的國內和國外醜聞介入不安全的中國食品。

上述英語被寫了從ATV 主要新聞在19:30 。

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