prevent from fire 裏

2007-05-29 9:48 pm
的 from 常跟著前面的 prevent,解不通?
好像省略了一個字 away,即 prevent (away) from fire,對嗎?

Sorry, 我作錯了!其實我不明白選 from 這個介詞的含意,防止火災(從)發生開始?

回答 (2)

2007-05-29 11:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Prevent sb/sth (from doing sth)
如:to prevent the spread of a disease, to prevent avian flu
或可說:to prevent a disease from spreading(防止某種疾病的蔓延)
所以,若想講防止火災,其實只要說成prevent fire就可以,並不需prevent from fire
如:We must take extra precaution to prevent fire(我們需要採取額外的措施去防止火警。

2007-05-30 10:04:02 補充:
其實from不但有從這個意味,它還有離的意思,並免掉、去除、阻止的意思(它的其他意思你可以參考yahoo字典)如:Our school is 2 miles from the station(我們學校離車站兩里)  It will keep you from danger(它會防止你發生危險)
2007-05-29 9:53 pm
actually I think there is no "prevent from fire"
rather, we can say "prevent fire from happening" or just prevent fire

that is, prevent + sth + from + verb-ing

so, I think there is a problem in your sentence

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