The arrangement for the meeting 為何不是

2007-05-29 8:36 pm
The arrangement of the meeting
為何不是 of 的,而是 for 為了?

莫非 The arrangement for the meeting 要解成 為了這個會的安排?或為了這個會之安排?之=的?


the arrangement for the meeting = 為"會議"作出了一些(修飾)安排(名詞) 這句名詞是 arrangement,其他字是來修飾它,對嗎? the arrangement of the meeting =佈置"會議" 這句名詞同是 arrangement,其他字是來修飾它,但解不成佈置"會議"?


:angels and demons [小學級 4 級] 回答時間:2007-05-29 13:09:35 檢舉 arrangement + for = 安排;準備工作 e.g. We have already made arrangements for our vacation. 我們已經為假期作了安排


arrangement + of + 整理;佈置;排列 e.g. The arrangement of the furniture in our new house took a long time. 佈置我家新居的傢俱花了很長時間。 the arrangement for the meeting = 為"會議"作出了一些安排 the arrangement of the meeting =佈置"會議" 參考資料: dr eye

回答 (2)

2007-05-29 9:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
通常 The arrangement of the meeting 是泛指一般會議的安排, 'of' 是指附屬於 meeting 的 arrangement. 例如 : 以往所有例會的安排都是秘書打點, 所以一向是 The arrangement of the weekly meetings. 但今次大老闆要介紹新股東合併事宜, 又要跟足章程要21日通知, 又要準備投票, 又要投影機睇 powerpoint....等等, The arrangement for the meeting (指呢個 special meeting) will be directly under my supervision. 'for' 有 <為了>,<原因>之意.
2007-05-29 9:09 pm
arrangement + for = 安排;準備工作
e.g. We have already made arrangements for our vacation.

arrangement + of + 整理;佈置;排列
e.g. The arrangement of the furniture in our new house took a long time.

the arrangement for the meeting = 為"會議"作出了一些安排

the arrangement of the meeting =佈置"會議"
參考: dr eye

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