有關 Low Cost Airlines 的問題!!! (十萬火急~~)

2007-05-27 6:31 am
我係功課上, 遇到以下有關 Low Cost Airline 的問題, 唔知點答好...

大家可唔可以幫下我 ar~~ (中英都可以...)

Thank You~~

1) How to improve Ecological Environment with Low Cost Airlines entering the market?

2) I.T. is helping Low Cost Airlines, but how does it affect Traditional Airlines?

回答 (1)

2007-05-27 7:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. (a) Low cost airlines serve long distance travel. Just like a car, travelling without frequent stops saves fuel.
(b) Low cost airlines do not give you those things you do not need, e.g., smaller meals, no free gifts, playing cards, etc. It does not waste our resources on those unnecessary things.
(c) Other companies will try to compete by lowering their prices and costs, and will eventually lead to more effiecient use of resources.
(d) Electronic tickets also save our paper resources.
(e) Even the paint on an aircraft adds to the weight of the aircraft and to fuel costs. By reducing the use of many things that are not absolutely necessary, we can conserve the environment better.

2. (a) I.T. enables flight booking on-line which many peolpe find convenient.
(b) I.T. in general improves information processing and work flow, which in the long run will lead to a reduction of production cost.
(c) Traditional airlines must try to compete either on cost or services or both. They will turn to I.T. to improve their operation and provide better services.

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