874天與時並進:INITIAL VICTORY 標題怎譯?及聞中問字解?

2007-05-26 7:47 am
The government has moved 移動了 one step closer to tearing down (tearing down 怎解?) Queen’s Pier in Central after securing 獲得 the first round 第一回合 of approval for 50 million 五仟萬 from lawmakers to fund 撥款 the controversial 富爭議的 project 工程.

Home Affairs Secretary (什麼局長?) Patrick Ho today announced 發表 that he would not classify 分類 the historic building 建築物 as 為 a monument (monument 怎解?), sparking 激發 an outcry 強烈反對 among democratic lawmakers who are threatening to challenge his decision in court.


The above English was written from ATV Main News at 19:30. You may revise it if you like. Thanks

回答 (2)

2007-05-26 8:13 am
✔ 最佳答案
The government has moved 移動了 one step closer to tearing down Queen’s Pier in Central
after securing the first round of approval for 50 million from lawmakers to fund the controversial project .
Tear down------撕去 , 例: He tears down the notice from the doard.他將那通告,從告示板上撕下來。(牛津字典查到的)
所以 tear down the pier 可從以上的解釋,想像那行動為「移走」。

2007-05-26 00:28:00 補充:
今天民政事務局局長何志平發表說,他不會將這歷史上著名的建築物,分類為「古蹟」, 這激發起民主派立法局議員的強烈反對,他們警告要在法庭上,挑戰何志平的決定。
2007-05-26 7:57 am
destorying or removing or breaking

Initial victory for the governement, since they have succesfully 獲得 第一回合 五仟萬 to the 工程.
參考: me

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