870天與時並進:BIBLE UNDER FIRE 標題怎譯?及聞中問字解?

2007-05-24 2:22 am
We start tonight with a (用 a 對不對?或用 an?) another debate 爭論 about what should or should n’t be classified indecent 下流的. Today, Commerce Secretary (什麼局長?) Joseph Wong supported a ruling 栽決 by the city’s media watchdog (city’s media watchdog 怎解?)

which concluded 下結論 the Bible does not contain obscene 猥褻的 material 題才. The ruling comes 到來 after a string 一連串 of complaints 投訴 were made (made 怎解?done?收到?) against 反對 the religious 宗教的 text 原文 and Wong says the government won’t deal with 處理 frivolous 輕率的 complaints.


The above English was written from ATV Main News at 19:30. You may revise it if you like. Thanks

回答 (1)

2007-05-25 8:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Bible under fire:聖經受到砲攻(即被攻擊)


如:I do not like this picture. Show me another

  He gave me another picture.

Commerce Secretary:是工商局局長

city's media watchdog:在這篇報章裏是指影視處:但影視處的正式名字是Television and Entertainment Licensing Authority,用city's media watchdog是因為影視處是作為香港媒體的監視人

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