You had better 的 had better 怎樣解成最好?

2007-05-23 6:30 am
You had better give Mr. Wong a call tomorrow.

莫非省略了: You had (it) better (to) give Mr. Wong a call tomorrow. it = to give Mr. Wong a call tomorrow 嗎?

回答 (4)

2007-05-23 6:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
had better 並不是had (it) better (to)的省略,
had better是一句外國人常用的片語(可知道片語真是有時沒有得解)
有點要注意的had better和had best之後都要接原形動詞(bare infinitive,即不會尾隨著to)
而had better還是譯作”較佳”比”最好”好;因為若had better譯作最好;had best也譯作最好,就不知怎樣分別它們。
had better可以寫成”會體驗更好”的意思,中文所以譯”更佳”,或我們也常譯”最好”
如:you had better go at once.即可意會為:”你會體驗更好:若你立即去”
但這樣譯,只為我們掌握had better的意思,這譯法也太累贅,所以通常我們會譯作:你立刻去較佳/你最好立刻去

2007-05-23 15:58:24 補充:
下面位仁兄,不要只看一面:請你參考了牛津出版A practical english grammar先至踐踏他人的說法,難度只有你的書可靠,牛津出版就是廢物。並且相信,你還未揣摸”這片語的had是不真實的過去時代”的講法是甚麼。

2007-05-23 16:06:50 補充:
而且你連你書的英文也解不好,"It resembles an auxiliary verb in that..."是說它類似助動詞一樣,不會隨著人稱或時式改變,而不是說它的作用是助動詞,想踐踏人之先,先看人家所引用的書才說。

2007-05-23 16:11:58 補充:
resemble是類似,根據牛津第四版是:be like or be similar to,而根據Cambridge Dictionary則是to look like or be like someone or something:,並無等同之意。不知為甚麼,人總喜歡踐踏他人為樂,卻不存著”學海無涯”的心態。

2007-05-23 16:25:36 補充:
had better的解釋也未必只有ought to/must的解釋,Oxford Advanced Learner's English-Chinese Dictionary就這樣解:would be wise to(最好);而1981年版的牛津字典,又作這樣解:would find it more suitable, more to your advantage,etc:
2007-05-23 10:23 pm
You had better give Mr. Wong a call tomorrow 中的 had better 是最好咁解。


Amercian Heritage Book of English Usage 內有好詳細解釋:

Had better is an idiomatic verb phrase meaning “ought to, must.” It resembles an auxiliary verb in that its form never changes to show person or tense and that it can’t follow another verb in a phrase (that is, you can’t say He will had better leave, for example).

When speaking, people have a tendency to leave out had: You better clean up your room! But in writing, you had better keep had, either in full or as a contraction: You had better not do that or You’d better not do that.

注意 had better 只有一種形態,並無 tense 之分,因為 had better = ought to 或 must,其作用等同一個副動詞 (auxiliary verb)。
參考: American Heritage
2007-05-23 8:33 am
had better = should / ought to = 應該
e.g. You had better give Mr. Wong a call tomorrow.
=You should give Mr. Wong a call tomorrow.
=You ought to give Mr. Wong a call tomorrow.

另外, 你也可以咁記
You had better do this. 你這樣做比較妤 ( 同樣有 should / ought to 的意思 )

I hope this can help you.
參考: me and grammar book
2007-05-23 6:35 am
you better give mr.wong a call tomorrow


參考: 自己

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