can 和 may 解‘可以’時,如何分別?

2007-05-22 8:29 am
You may/can go now.
You may/can use my car now.

回答 (5)

2007-05-22 10:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
「May」的意思是「可以」或「准許」,「Can」的意思是「能夠」。但是越來越多的 American/British/Australian 的 native English speaker 會在日常用語中用「can」去代替「may」,原因可能是用「may」會給人太過權威及古板的感覺。另一方面,有一些仍然會堅持在正式(formal)用語中用「may」,因為他們覺得用「may」才是正統。不過現在「can」這個用法已經被普遍接受,而且在英文口語中,「can」比「may」更加常用。


Parent to child: You may have another piece of cake.
(The speaker permits it.)

Parent to child: You may go after you finish your homework.
(The speaker permits the child to go.)

A man to his girlfriend: Oh look, I've just checked with your diet. You can have another piece of cake.
(It is permitted by certain rules and regulations)

A student to his friend: In the exam, you can go once you submit you paper.
(It is permitted by the exam rule)

2007-05-22 12:39 pm
Actually, you can use both way. But use MAY is more polite than CAN. Use MAY show you have good manner in the way of your speaking than can. But it's up to you.
2007-05-22 8:54 am
Can 解析(能夠),而could是過去式.
例: I can go to swim.(我能夠去游水).
問句:Can I go to swim?(我能夠去游水嗎?)
We use CAN to indicate capability or possibility, e.g. "I don't know if I can lift this piano by myself." The implication here is on whether you have the physical capacity or mental acuity to get the piano lifted.

例: I may go to swim.(我或者可以去游水.)
問句: May I go to swim?(我或者可以去游水嗎?)
MAY is used when you are asking permission, "May I lift your piano for a little exercise?" Here you wish the permission of someone to carry out an action.
2007-05-22 8:53 am
在你的case 似乎 may 適合一點
may 的"可以"是知授權

can 的話
"You have the ability to use my car"
2007-05-22 8:51 am
may I 會polite d同易明d因為 can 係可以解 '得' 或 '可以' 或 '有能力做到' 咁解!!
參考: myself lor

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