考atcl 可唔可以請人幫手揭譜??(急)

2007-05-21 3:54 am

回答 (4)

2007-05-21 8:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
page turner is allowed。但有幾點要注意:
二、你要同考生一樣 dress and perform professionally。呢樣係 performance既十分入面包括的要求。
2007-05-22 9:39 am
1.Page tuner can go with u while u playing your pieces.
2.U need to mention before u go to the exam room
3.He/she can't speak anything while u playing
參考: me
2007-05-21 7:04 am
唔係呀, 揭譜員可以一齊入o架, 不過試前要通知
2007-05-21 4:38 am
Of course you are allowed to do so. Most candidates in Hong Kong did hire a page-turner.
Here is official statement from the syllabus p.13:
"In cases where limited use of photocopies is not practicable, a page-turner (who cannot be the teacher or a close relative of the candidate) is allowed in the examination room in performance examinations for Solo Piano, Organ, Electronic Organ and Harpsichord.The page-turner may remain in the examination room only whilst fulfilling this function.Where unavoidable, accompanists may also make use of a page-turner, who, again, should not be the teacher of the candidate.The examiner may not be asked to act as a page-turner. Page-turners may assist with Organ (not Electronic Organ) registration changes only where appropriate pre-set combination pistons are not available, whether adjustable or fixed; if there is any doubt in this matter, the precise technical specification of the instrument must be approved in writing by Trinity before an entry is made."

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