869天與時並進:SLOWING DOWN 標題怎譯?及聞中問字解?

2007-05-19 6:49 am
Hong Kong’s economy appears 出現 to be slowing down (to be slowing down 怎解?在放慢中?)– it grew 增長 at a slower 較慢的 pace 步伐 than expected 比預期 at 5.6 percent in the first quarter 第一季 of this year.

回答 (2)

2007-05-19 6:12 pm
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首先想指出, HK's economy appears to be slowing down ... 中的 appears, 不是解出現, 而是 似乎 (seems), 可參以下字典例子:

1. 出現;顯露Gradually a smile appeared on her face.她臉上漸漸地露出笑容。2. 似乎,看來好像[L][W][+to-v][+(that)]It appears they are right.看來他們是對的。He appeared to be talking to himself.他似乎在自言自語。
slow down 在此是指 經濟增長 放緩.

因此, 全句的意思是, 香港的經濟增長似乎有放緩的跡象.


urge 可解提出要求或主張 (ask for, suggest), 但一定是強烈的 (即 STRONGLY advise).

因此, 官員雖滿意目前的經濟環境, 但是仍向市民強烈的提出有經濟的潛在危機的警告, 使人有所警惕.


1. 催促;力勸;激勵;慫恿[O2]They urged us to go at once.他們催促我們馬上去。2. 極力主張;強烈要求[(+on)][+that]My friends urged that I (should) apply for the job.朋友們力勸我申請那份工作。He urged that they go to New York.他極力主張他們去紐約。The people in that country urged independence.那個國家的人民要求獨立。3. 推進;驅策[O]We urged the school team on with loud cheers.我們大聲助威,激勵校隊拼搏。vi.1. 極力主張;強烈要求The citizens urged for the construction of a new hospital.市民們強烈要求建造一個新醫院。

2007-05-21 15:27:44 補充:
no problem
參考: yahoo dictionary
2007-05-19 6:52 am
to be slowing down=decreasing, declining.
urging caution=呼籲

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