可否幫我check grammer mistake 呀, thank~~

2007-05-16 6:06 am
Our project is used the interview and questionnaires to collect the information about the satisfaction with Macau portal. We interview citizen, employee, and expert and use the random sample of the questionnaires on the Internet. Although we made effort rigorously in the research process, we still have not enough perfect.

Firstly, we put the questionnaire on the website and we also issued the physical questionnaires. We cannot control how many people will use the Internet to fill the questionnaires because most parts of the questionnaires are collected on the Internet.

回答 (2)

2007-05-16 6:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
We collected information about the satisfaction with Macau portal through interviews and questionnaires.
Firstly, we put the questionaire on the website to collect random samples of the questionnnaire through the internet and issued some physical questionnaires through which we interviewed some citizens, employees and experts. However, as we cannot control the number of people browsing the net to fill in the questionnaires.
As most parts of the questionnaire are supposedly collected from the internet, it didn't turn out to be very successful.
Although we made our best effort in the research process, it did not turn out very successful.
參考: me
2007-05-16 6:19 am
Our project used interviews and questionaires to collect information about the satisfaction on Macau's portal. We have interviewed with citizens, employees and experts and used the random sample of the questionaires on the Internet. Althought we made an effort rigorously in each of the research process, we still aren't perfect.

Firstly, we posted the questionaire on the website and we also issued the physical questionaires. We cannot control how many people will use the Internet to fill the questionaires since most parts of the questionaires are collected on the Internet.

Wow! You'd better proof-read next time! There are a lot of mistakes! Including grammar and spelling mistakes.

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